I'm getting this error when I try to submit the challenge for Customize a Salesforce Object last unit - Create Validation Rules. There aren't any active workflow's or triggers as well. I have followed the same steps as given.
@Ananya D O Thank you for your feedback. I'm glad you made it.
That is why in the previous message I advised 2 ways to solve the problem - to verify the Triggers and Validation Rules, and if not - to create a new Playground and execute it again.
I wish you success in your further study of Salesforce
Mykhailo Vdovychenko
Bringing Cloud Excellence with IBVCLOUD OÜ
Divya Chauhan (Kcloud Technologies) Forum Ambassador
Hello@Ananya D O,
- check, is there any other automation (validation Rule, trigger, flow) is activated on Account object, if any then try to deactivate
- If not working, then try in new fresh org, it might be the existing record causing the issues in your org.
@Ananya D O =)
This community exists precisely for this reason. So, if you have any questions, don't hesitate—ask away, and we will be happy to help you.
@Mykhailo Vdovychenko Sure, Thank you!
I'm glad to see everyone willing to help in the community and what's great about it is that advises come in so quick. :D
Thanks all for your help!
Here's my findings..
@Ajaypreet Singh Saini This did help as I noticed in one of the opportunity fields
"Restrict picklist to the values defined in the value set" was checked automatically as I chosed a global picklist. Later I tried editing it to uncheck the same but was unable to do. Please let me know if there's any option to uncheck this checkbox when we select global picklists.
@Mykhailo Vdovychenko Checked for validation rules and apex triggers, didn't have any.
@Divya Chauhan I finally tried in a new org where I deselected the checkbox that I mentioned earlier and it worked.
Hi, @Ananya D O
This is a common mistake that occurs because many previous Challenges were held on the same Playground. Most likely, in one of the previous Challenges, there was a task to create a Trigger or Validation Rule, and now it is affecting your current task.
So, how can you solve this problem? There are two ways to resolve it.
I. You can create a new Playground and complete this task there.
II. You can go to the corresponding object and check if there are any related Validation Rules:
1. Click Gear Icon --> Setup --> Object Manager
2. Select Account object and from the left side menu click "Validation Rules":
There should be no Validation Rules here. If there are any, you need to deactivate/delete them.
Additionally, there might be a Trigger created. To view your list of Triggers, you can on the menu search field type "Trigger" and select "Apex Triggers":
Here you should also not have any triggers. If there are any, they can affect your Account object.
Mykhailo Vdovychenko
Bringing Cloud Excellence with IBVCLOUD OÜ
Ajaypreet Singh Saini (Grantbook) Forum Ambassador
Hey @Ananya D O, checkout this thread: