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Create a Report with Filter Logic

Ada Balewa is a product support specialist at Ursa Major Solar and she wants to monitor support cases for their energy and electronics industry customers that have not yet been escalated. She would like to exclude any structural defects from the report. (You can set up the conditions in multiple ways; we're doing it this way so you can see how filter logic works.)

  • Create a Cases report.
  • Set the Units standard filter to Days.
  • Verify that the following fields are included:
    • Industry
    • Status
    • Type
  • Set up the following custom filters in this order:
    • Industry: Equals Energy
    • Industry: Equals Electronics
    • Status: Not equal to Escalated
    • Type: Equals Structural
  • Add the following filter logic:
    • (1 OR 2) AND 3 AND NOT 4
  • Save the report in a shared folder.
    • Report name: Cases by Status
    • Folder: Public Reports

train 2 Mike Torres

Created on 7/12/2024


Challenge not yet complete in train 2 Mike Torres

We couldn’t find the Industry column on the Cases by Status report.


I have the industry fields add it as per request on teh report, I will highlly appriociate your help


#Trailhead Challenges

26 Antworten
  1. 27. Feb., 00:44

    For that we need to  search in  Add columns  under Outlines  and basically manually add Industry, Status & Type
