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I am unable to finish this module, appreciate any suggestions on this error.

We couldn't publish an Order_Event__e event.

6 Antworten
  1. 5. Feb. 2024, 17:45

    Hi @Ugandhar Reddy Mallakunta,


    I'm Ravindra from Trailblazer Help team.


    I can see in your profile that the "Platform API Basics" module was completed successfully. 


    Please feel free to mark the best answer if any of the above responses helped you to fix the issue. Thank you!


    Best Regards,


  2. Eric Burté (DEVOTEAM) Forum Ambassador
    24. Jan. 2024, 13:14

    Hello @Ugandhar Reddy Mallakunta, strange you are stuck at the publication... I would imagine that this was the trigger that was not ok, but from this error message I understand that the validation script did not succeed creating the platform event (which you normally have to capture with the trigger you have made in this unit). 

    Have you well validated the previous unit ( ?


  3. Divya Chauhan (Kcloud Technologies) Forum Ambassador
    24. Jan. 2024, 11:38
  4. Eric Burté (DEVOTEAM) Forum Ambassador
    24. Jan. 2024, 11:32

    Hello @Ugandhar Reddy Mallakunta, could you please elaborate a bit (unit URL and configuration done so far) ? What is the error you have got / have you got the issue to publish or to intercept the platform event ? Eric
