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I've followed step 2 step by step.  There should be two fields on th Battle Station Custom object (Project Status and Weapons Status).  I have only completed step 1, and when I go to verify step 2, it states I don't have the correct field count....

Battlestation step 2 error - The Battle Station custom object does not contain the correct set of custom fields.
19 answers
  1. Apr 18, 2017, 5:46 PM
    Just wanted to follow-up on this issue as I was running into the same error today as I was going through this trailhead. It did simply end up being a typo for me...I was using "Weapon Status" as the field label and realized that it needed to be plural "Weapons Status". After making the change, I was able to verify and move to the next module. Creating a "Crew Members" roll-up is not required.
  2. Apr 8, 2018, 2:06 PM
    Here's the workaround that worked for me :

    Go into the object manager > Battle Station > Make all custom fileld visible in Field Security settings for all users.
  3. Apr 20, 2017, 8:38 PM
    For those that get this error and have no apparent issue, delete the "Weapons Status" field and recreate it. Worked for me!
  4. Jun 26, 2017, 10:00 PM
    I did what Laura mentioned about making 'weapon' plural with the 's' AND I've changed the Related List label name of the Supply object from the default 'Supplies' to 'Supply.  Doing that both worked for me!

    I did what Laura mentioned about making 'weapon' plural with the 's' AND I've changed the Related List label name of the Supply object from the default 'Supplies' to 'Supply.
  5. Feb 8, 2020, 2:17 PM
    You haven't set the field-level security of the custom field which were created in Battle Station. Simply set the field-level security to both (Weapons Status and Project Status) to visible o selected profiles you want.
  6. Sep 27, 2016, 3:55 PM
    Hi Brian,

    One thing you can try is enable debug log in your dev org, and try verifying the challenge, this will create a debug log and it might help you in identifying the exact issue. 

    BTW, sometimes just disconnecting the org from trailhead and reconnecting again solves such issues as well.
  7. Sep 27, 2016, 3:39 PM
    Here is the full error:

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 

    The Battle Station custom object does not contain the correct set of custom fields. Tip: check for typos in the field names. 

    Note: you may run into errors if you've skipped previous steps.

    I attached my schema from my dev org.

     Here is the full error:Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: The Battle Station custom object does not contain the correct set of custom fields. Tip: check for typos in the field names.
  8. Sep 27, 2016, 3:15 PM
    Hi Brain,

    Can you please post the complete error that you are getting. To complete challenge two you need to do the following:

    In Battle station object

    1) Create Picklist Project Status

    2) Create Picklist Weapon Status

    Create new custom object Resource

    In Resource object

    1) Create Number field Quantity

    2) Create Percent field Utilization

    3) Create Master Detail field with Battle Station as master

    Create new custom object Supplies

    In Supplies object

    1) Create Number field Quantity

    2) Create Currenty field Unit Cost

    3) Create formula field Total Cost (Quantity__c * Unit_Cost__c)

    4) Create Master Detail field with Battle Station as master

    And finally ensure that the correct dev instance is linked to the trailhead for verification.

    Hope this helps.

  9. Sep 27, 2016, 3:12 PM
    hi Brlan

    look my image

    hi Brlanlook my imagecreate crew member fieldThanksMark it best answer if it helps you :)

    create crew member field


    Mark it best answer if it helps you :)
