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Hi friends,

I am new to vf page development. My requirement is to bring 5*8 matrix format in page block table.Under Activity column I want bring repeated picklist for 5 rows. And for Sun to Sat columns to bring repeated input field text box for 5 rows. 

Here I have attached my code pls help on this.

My desired output is

User-added image

VF Page


<apex:page showHeader="false" sidebar="false" controller="timeentrydetails" >

<apex:form >

<apex:pageBlock title="Time Entry Details Page">

<apex:pageBlockButtons location="top" >

<apex:CommandButton value="Save"/>

<apex:CommandButton value="Submitted"/>

<apex:CommandButton value="Addrows"/>

<apex:CommandButton value="Back"/>




<apex:form >

<apex:pageBlock >

<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Time_entry_dt_list }" var="tm">

<apex:column headerValue="Activity" />

<apex:column headerValue="SUN" />

<apex:column headerValue="MON" />

<apex:column headerValue="TUE" />

<apex:column headerValue="WED" />

<apex:column headerValue="THU" />

<apex:column headerValue="FRI" />

<apex:column headerValue="SAT" />







public class timeentrydetails {

Public Class Timeentrydetrow{

Public Id Tmrowid {get;set;}

Public String Activity {get;set;}

Public Integer Hour {get;set;}


Public List<Timeentrydetrow> Time_entry_dt_list {get;set;}

Public timeentrydetails(){

Time_entry_dt_list = new List<Timeentrydetrow>();

Timeentrydetrow tmd;

for(Time_Entry_Detail__c tmed : [Select Activity__c,Hour__c from Time_Entry_Detail__c ]){

Timeentrydetrow tr = new Timeentrydetrow();






3 Antworten
  1. 17. Aug. 2016, 03:11
    Hi Jayabalaji,

    Please refer below sample code.


    <apex:page controller="demo_EXTN">

    <apex:form >

    <apex:pageBlock >

    <apex:variable value="{!0}" var="j"/>

    <apex:pageBlockTable id="row" value="{!matrix}" var="i">

    <apex:column headerValue="Quarter/Year">

    <apex:variable value="{!j+1}" var="j"/>

    <apex:repeat value="{!j}" var="q">

    <apex:outputText >Quarter YR{!q}</apex:outputText>



    <apex:column headerValue="Actual Year 1">

    <apex:inputText />


    <apex:column headerValue="Actual Year 2">

    <apex:inputText />


    <apex:column headerValue="Actual Year 3">

    <apex:inputText />


    <apex:column headerValue="Actual Year 4">

    <apex:inputText />


    <!--apex:column >

    <apex:repeat id="columns" value="{!matrix}" var="k" >










    public class demo_EXTN{

    public List<List<String>> matrix{get;set;}

    public demo_EXTN()


    matrix = new List<List<String>>();

    List<Contact> contactList = [SELECT id, firstname FROM contact limit 4];


    List<Account> accountList = [select id, name FROM Account limit 4];


    List<String> row = new List<String>(); // You know that the top left String will be empty

    row.add('Acc/Contact'); // setup list of contact labels at top of grid/matrix

    for(Integer i = 0; i<contactList.size(); i++)




    } // add the first row to the grid


    System.debug(matrix); // Setup list of account labels in rows of grid

    for(Integer j=0; j<accountList.size(); j++)


    row = new List<String>();








    Hope this helps you!

    Please accept my solution as Best Answer if my reply was helpful. It will make it available for other as the proper solution. If you felt I went above and beyond, you can give me kudos.


    Thanks and Regards


Ladevorgang läuft