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Hi all,


When we send an email from Marketing Cloud the details of the email do not show in the thumbnail under the details tab in the Individual Email Result record. Has anyone found a way to see these?  Our sales agents would find it very helpful to know what it said if a prospective customer calls them.


(See attached)


#Marketing Cloud




5 Antworten
  1. 18. Feb., 12:13

    There are no workarounds @Ben Heroux @Gayathri Mallubhatla


    You can use view_email_url with a landing page to breake the pixel, but lookups and similar functions are evaluated when you use the view_email_url. 


    There are two solutions for me: 

    - first one: 

    • Create a Historic Data Extension with the AMPScript part, SubscriberKey, jobid, sendid and emailname. 
    • Get the view_email_url from SendLog
    • Create a landing page to break the pixel
    • create an automation to send that information to a custom field in IER record.

    - Second one:

    • Create a case to obtain a pdf from every email sent allocated in your Marketing Cloud sFTP
    • Program an automatism to extract that pdf to an external container (S3 or similar)
    • Send the url of the pdf in the external location to the IER record
  2. 13. Feb., 22:06

    Hi there, has this been resolved yet? We are using Sales Cloud integrated with Marketing Cloud and we are having the same issue now. Interesting thing is that, System Admins are able to the Email Thumbnail but not anyone. I am guessing this is an issue from Sales Cloud side.

  3. Takaaki Motohashi (PERSOL CROSS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.) Forum Ambassador
    7. Sept. 2021, 13:30