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Hi guys need help out .I am new to salesforce and stuck in intermediate level -Add business logic unit. after verifying its like this"Process builder failed to update the 'Status' on a Suggestion record. Please recheck the business process logic."


Thanks in advance
14 Antworten
  1. 20. Jan. 2021, 16:42
    Firstly make sure that you have the correct org selected in the "Verify Step" section of the challenge page?


    Check if your process builder is having correct conditions and actions defined.


    Action should be as below


    Action Type: Update Records


    Action Name: Update Status to Implemented


    Record Type: Click the magnifying glass to open the modal, then select Select the Suggestion__c record that started your process.


    Click Choose.


    Leave No criteria—just update the records! selected.


    Set the new field value.


    Field: Status


    Type: Picklist


    Incase please be very sure about the naming convention given by Trailhead.


    if you are facing any issues you can provide the Screenshots so that I can help.


    Kindly Select this as the best answer in case your problem is resolved.


    Cheers :)


  2. 28. Feb., 21:48


    The instructions on the page are updated to use "Flow Builder" but the validation rules are still not updated. The old validation rules still check for the "Process Builder". To solve this error use "Process Builder" and follow the steps outlined in the accepted answer.
