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Health Cloud Specialist

Deliver collaborative, connected support for patients and caregivers with Health Cloud.

~ 8 Stunden

Health Cloud Specialist

Für diesen Superbadge zu erfüllende Voraussetzungen

  • Creating Health Cloud users, profiles, and permissions
  • Using Lightning App Builder for Health Cloud
  • Demonstrating insights into care coordination
  • Displaying a 360° view of the patient
  • Creating strategies for equipping med tech sales teams

Für diesen Superbadge abgefragte Konzepte

  • Health Cloud configuration and setup
  • Care coordination
  • Care programs 
  • Providers
  • Interoperability
  • Utilization management
  • Intelligent sales
  • Device management
  • Security

Prework and Notes



As part of the next evolution of superbadges, we have removed the credential security quiz challenge on March 5th, 2025. Learn more

Health Cloud is continually evolving to meet the needs of our customers. The content in this superbadge focuses mainly on the legacy managed package–based solution. As of the Summer '24 release, an updated solution on the core Salesforce platform has replaced the managed package solution for Health Cloud.

If you are working with an org that uses the legacy managed package solution, this superbadge will still be beneficial to you. Otherwise, to learn more about the most up-to-date features and capabilities of Health Cloud, we recommend referencing other Health Cloud documentation, such as the Admin Guide.

Sign Up for a Developer Edition Org with Health Cloud



To complete this superbadge, you need a special Salesforce environment that contains Salesforce Health Cloud, special configuration, and sample data.

  1. Sign up here for a free test environment with Health Cloud.

  2. Fill out the signup form. For Email, enter an active email address.

  3. After you fill out the form, click Sign me up.

  4. When you receive the activation email (this might take a few minutes), open it and click Verify Account.

  5. Complete your registration by setting your password and challenge question. Tip: Save your username, password, and login URL in a secure place—such as a password manager—for easy access later.

  6. You are logged in to your special Health Cloud-enabled Developer Edition.

Now, connect your new Developer Edition org to Trailhead.

  1. Make sure you're logged in to your Trailhead account.

  2. In the Challenge section at the bottom of this page, select Connect Org from the picklist.

  3. On the login screen, enter the username and password for the Developer Edition you just set up.

  4. On the Allow Access? screen, click Allow.

  5. On the Want to connect this org for hands-on challenges? screen, click Yes! Save it. You are redirected back to the challenge page and ready to use your new Developer Edition to earn this superbadge.

  6. Now that you have a Salesforce org with these managed packages installed and enabled, you're good to go.



    Before you begin the challenges, please review Health Cloud Specialist: Trailhead Challenge Help. Make sure you are using a new Developer Edition org with Health Cloud to complete the challenges in this superbadge. If you use an org that has been used for other work, you won't pass the challenges in this superbadge.

Use Case

As a leader in healthcare innovation, Cumulus Health has recently committed to being a key influencer in reducing the occurrence of type 2 diabetes worldwide. The new Cumulus Health Global Foundation (the Foundation) will promote individual well-being and reduce health disparities around the world.

One key initiative is to help educate and empower individuals with new health advocacy and education programs. The Foundation is partnering with communities and healthcare providers in several different geographic areas to make its vision a reality. They need a system that can support programs around the globe. Next month, the team hopes to roll out a pilot program to demonstrate the effectiveness of their diabetes prevention and education program, DPEP.

Each local site has a lead care coordinator and patients in the pilot program. You're responsible for ensuring that the new Health Cloud implementation is properly configured to meet the new program’s needs. Some configuration is already in place, but the team isn’t sure it’s working in the most effective way. They also want to ensure they are following the latest best practices for using Health Cloud, such as leveraging the FHIR R4-aligned Clinical Data Model wherever possible. Review the team’s requirements and define strategies to support the program rollout.

Business Requirements

Review System Administration

You’re excited to dive right into the project, starting with setup configuration. Begin by creating a custom profile for the local site’s care coordinators. Clone the Health Cloud Admin profile and name the new profile Care Coordinator Admin. Create a new user for Dania Thurayya with the Care Coordinator Admin profile. Make sure Dania is assigned these permission sets:

  • Health Cloud Foundation

  • Health Cloud Permission Set License

Create a custom record type named Patient with the description Represents an individual patient or participant on the appropriate object, and make sure it’s available to the Care Coordinator Admin, Health Cloud Admin, and System Administrator profiles. You know there are many ways to represent an individual patient in Health Cloud—use the best practice approach to creating the Patient record type.

You know the team will want to use relationship mapping. Ensure that the record type is correctly configured with custom metadata. To demonstrate the new functionality, create a Patient record for Shankar Suman.

Based on your experience, you determine that a console view will help the team deliver care efficiently. Create a Lightning App named Care Coordination Console, using console navigation. Enable the app for these profiles:

  • Care Coordinator Admin

  • System Administrator

  • Health Cloud Admin

Include these items in the app navigation:

  • Home (with Standard Home Page icon)

  • Patients (with Lightning icon)

  • Leads

  • Accounts

  • Cases

  • Care Plan Templates

Clone the Patient Console with Pinned Leftbar lightning record page to create an Account record page named Care Coordination Account Page. Make sure the Developer Name is Care_Coordination_Account_Page. Set this page as the app default for the Care Coordination Console.

Set Up Care Coordination

With basic configuration complete, it’s time to review requirements for specific teams. Care coordinators need a way to quickly replicate certain standards of care. They’d like to create care plan templates that include a program’s standard goals for a patient with diabetes. Using the new app, create a care plan template named Diabetes Care Plan Template. Follow this model:

Care plan template object is care plan template Problem's parent. Care plan template Problem is care plan template goal's parent. Care plan template Goal is care plan template task's parent.

Make sure the care plan template includes these elements in this order:
  • Care Plan Template Problems:

    • High Blood Sugar

    • Sedentary Lifestyle

    • Lack of Diabetes Self-Care Awareness

    • Labwork

  • Care Plan Template Goal 1:

    • Related Problem: High Blood Sugar

    • Name: Control Glucose Levels

    • Tasks:

      • Order Labs, assigned to Care Coordinator

      • Self-Care: Daily Glucose Self-Check, assigned to Patient

  • Care Plan Template Goal 2:

    • Related Problem: Lack of Diabetes Self-Care Awareness

    • Name: Diabetes Self-Care

    • Tasks:

      • Schedule Education Enrollment, assigned to Care Coordinator

      • Exercise: Daily Walk, assigned to Patient

The Foundation has heard from its local communities that proper nutrition is a concurrent issue to diabetes. Create an additional care plan template with the name Care Plan Template for Nutrition Education. Make sure that the care plan template includes the Nutrition Education care plan template problem.



You are about to create multiple care plans for Shankar Suman. Make sure your organization is configured so that multiple care plans can be created for a patient.

Shankar Suman is the first participant in the pilot program. His care coordinator is Dania Thurayya. Based on the Diabetes Care Plan Template, create a care plan named Diabetes Education Care Plan. Include the following problems:

  • High Blood Sugar

  • Sedentary Lifestyle

  • Lack of Diabetes Self-Care Awareness

In the Subject field, enter: Diabetes Education Care Plan. Make sure to add Dania Thurayya as the care coordinator and Shankar Suman as the patient.

Next, based on the care plan template for Nutrition Education, add a care plan named Nutrition Education for Shankar. Enter Nutrition Education as the Subject, and Dania Thurayya as the Care Coordinator.

In order to have a 360° view of each patient's care, the Cumulus Health team needs a way to assign case team members based on discipline (such as social worker, dietitian, specialist). Martha Ortiz and Adam Burke often collaborate on cases. Create a case team named Diabetes Education that includes Martha in the role of Primary Care Physician and Adam in the role of Diabetes Educator. Make sure this team is associated with both care plans for Shankar.

Set Up Timeline View, Patient Profile, and Social Determinants

To deliver comprehensive care, team members need to see a longitudinal view of their patients’ relevant experiences. In the patient timeline, clinicians should be able to see:

  • Clinical encounters

  • Health conditions

  • Medication Statements

  • Patient immunizations

The team should also be able to see when patients have participated in diabetes coaching sessions, which are tracked with the existing Diabetes_Coaching_Session__c custom object. The team isn’t sure why diabetes coaching sessions aren’t showing on patient timelines. Make sure the coaching sessions can be added to Shankar’s clinical data. Enable the Diabetes_Coaching_Session__c custom object to show on patient timelines. Make sure the Coaching Description field shows in the timeline when users hover over a diabetes coaching session.

While you're configuring the timeline, note that the tasks from the care plan are visible on the timeline. Enter one example of clinical data for each object for Shankar Suman as follows:

  • Clinical Encounters

    • Status: Finished

    • Start Date: choose a date and time within the last 30 days

    • End Date: 1 hour after the start date

    • Category: Home Health

    • Service Type: Homoeopathy

  • Health Conditions

    • Condition Code: Type 2 Diabetes

    • Onset Period Start: choose a date and time about 1 year ago

  • Medication Statement

    • Medication: Metformin

    • Status: Completed

    • Start Date: choose a date and time within the last 30 days

  • Patient Immunization

    • Vaccine Code: Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19

    • Status: Completed

    • Vaccination Date: choose any date and time in the past

  • Diabetes Coaching Session

    • Coaching Description: Initial coaching session, with resources and plan

    • Session Type: Extended

    • Coaching Date: today’s date

Add these tasks to Shankar Suman under the Diabetes Education Care Plan:

  • Subject: Education on daily management with due date of 1 week from today

  • Subject: Fasting blood glucose check with due date of tomorrow

View the Timeline tab for Shankar and make sure Tasks, Encounters, Conditions, Prescriptions, Immunizations, and Diabetes Coaching Sessions are visible.

Care coordinators need a snapshot view of participant information to find key information quickly. Configure the patient card to display the following related information about participants. There are some inactive configuration records already in the org. Feel free to use those.

  • Address

  • Contact Preferences

  • Medications

  • Conditions

  • Insurance Plan

  • Member Id

  • Allergies

Care coordinators communicate with different people related to the patient. To keep track of Shankar's connections, set up a household with members and their appropriate roles. These individuals already have records in the system but they’re not associated with Shankar yet. (Don’t forget to associate Shankar with his own household with the Patient role.) Configure relationships for:

  • Karpani Burman (spouse)

  • Get Cloudy Consulting (employee)

  • Anna Jones

    • Role: Transportation Coordinator

    • Inverse Role: Patient

The care coordination basics are almost all in place. The final piece will help the Foundation understand all the socioeconomic factors impacting patient health. The team already knows that one key barrier to program participation is transportation. The program teams have been brainstorming interventions to overcome this barrier. To model a solution for this functionality, create a Care Intervention Type called Transportation Program, and a Care Barrier type called Inadequate Transportation. Make sure both records are active.

Demonstrate the new functionality by creating a Care Barrier entry for Shankar Suman:

  • Tab: Social Determinants

  • Name: No Automobile

  • Type: Inadequate Transportation

  • Start and End Dates: your choice

Finally, add two interventions named:

  • Call patient to arrange transportation

  • Provide public transportation resources

Configure Care Programs

The Foundation has a goal of standardizing care program delivery. The teams want to see an example of a care program to improve patient outcomes. Create a care program with the name Diabetes Management and the description Care Program to help patients manage diabetes conditions. Leave the Parent Program blank. Start Date and End Date can be any dates you choose.

Shankar’s care coordinator, Dania, wants to enroll him in the diabetes care program. But first, the team needs to specify eligibility rules and criteria for participation in the program. Create these three Enrollment Eligibility Criteria records:

  1. Name: Confirm Type 2 diabetes

  2. Name: Confirm low income household band

  3. Name: Confirm physician referral or prescription received

The Foundation wants to make sure that only eligible patients are enrolled in the initial rollout of its programs. Associate these enrollment eligibility criteria with the care program eligibility rules and make them active:

  • Care Program: Diabetes Management

    • Enrollment Eligibility Criteria: Confirm Type 2 diabetes

  • Care Program: Diabetes Management

    • Enrollment Eligibility Criteria: Confirm low income household band

  • Care Program: Diabetes Management

    • Enrollment Eligibility Criteria: Confirm physician referral or prescription received

Configure program goals to meet the objectives of the care program. The team has identified the following goals for the Diabetes Management care program:

  • Adhere to treatment protocol

  • Maintain healthy lifestyle

  • Exercise 30 minutes each day

  • Improve quality of life

The team is excited about providing benefits to program participants. Several products are currently available. Associate these products with the Diabetes Management care program:

  • Name: Monthly consultation with a nutritionist

    • Product: Nutritionist Services

  • Name: Weekly coaching with care coordinator

    • Product: Coaching

The program will initially roll out in two provider locations. Your next step is to configure care program providers. Create two care program providers with these details:

Name Account Care Program Product
Cumulus Health Nutritionist Cumulus Health Physician Group Monthly consultation with nutritionist
Cumulus Health Wellness Clinic Cumulus Health Hospital Weekly coaching with care coordinator

The leadership team wonders how they can track their recruitment efforts for a particular care program. Create a campaign named Initial outreach: radio spots. Define a care program campaign where the campaign is Initial outreach: radio spots and associate it with the Diabetes Management care program.

Next, associate consent documents with the care program to track participant consent. For the Diabetes Management care program, create a Data Use Purpose record:

  • Name: Diabetes Management Care Program Consent Forms

  • Purpose (pick Care Program object): Diabetes Management

Note: You need to pick Care Program in the Purpose field as the data type.

Create an authorization form:

  • Authorization Form Name: Authorization to Disclose PHI

  • Revision number: 1.0

  • Effective From: A week from now

  • Effective To Date: A year from now

  • Is Signature Required: True

Create authorization form text:

  • Name: Authorization to Disclose PHI

  • Authorization Form: Authorization to Disclose PHI


  • Locale: Your locale (see the locale field on your User record)

  • Active: True

Edit the authorization form named Authorization to Disclose PHI:

  • Default Auth Form Text: Authorization to Disclose PHI

Create an Authorization Form Data Use record with the following information:

  • Authorization Form Data Use name: Authorization to Disclose PHI

  • Authorization Form: Use the Authorization Form you created

  • Data Use Purpose: Use the Data Use Purpose you created

The Foundation is very encouraged by the work you’ve done and wants to see it all come together with care program enrollment and consent. Your first step is to adjust standard automation for program enrollment to quickly enroll participants. Create an action that uses the Program Enrollment flow. The action should be available on the patient's record page:

  • Label: Enroll in Care Program

  • Name: Enroll_in_Care_Program

  • Description: Enroll in Program flow with care plan selection

In your demo, show how users can quickly launch the enrollment automation for Shankar. Use the automation on the patient record to enroll Shankar in the Diabetes Management care program.

  • Select products

    • Monthly consultation with a nutritionist

    • Weekly coaching with care coordinator

  • Select facilities associated with the products

Complete the enrollment and proceed to capturing consent. Review the consent form (remember, this is a demo), sign in the signature box, and complete the consent.

Further Define Provider Profile

Your org has a Lightning record page named Hospital Record Page. Assign this page to the Care Coordination Console app and to the Business record type.

Cumulus Health has taken on the challenge of improving the health of its local site by acquiring a healthcare facility and physician group. Two accounts are already in the system: Cumulus Health Hospital and Cumulus Health Physician Group. The team wants to show how different accounts are related. Use standard functionality to demonstrate how Cumulus Health Physician Group can be associated with the larger Cumulus Health Hospital.

The team wants to see a facility’s standard operating hours on the facility's record. Set up the operating hours for both the Cumulus Health Physician Group and the Cumulus Health Hospital (use the Operating Hours field on the Account object):

  • Monday through Friday

  • 9:00 AM through 5:00 PM

  • Pacific time (America/Los_Angeles)

Two clinicians have joined the team and need to be set up in Health Cloud. Your org has a Provider record type preconfigured for you. Make sure the Lightning page called Provider Record Page is assigned to the Care Coordination Console app and to the Provider record type.

Create two Person Account records, Magaly Rivera and Matthew Watkins, with the Provider record type. Relate Magaly Rivera to the hospital as a contact with the Provider role. Relate Matthew Watkins to the physician group as a contact with the Provider role.

Later, you set up provider search. In order for it to work, you need to set up the data for Magaly to be found. Go to Magaly Rivera's Related tab and create the following records:

Create a Healthcare Provider record:

  • Name: Magaly Rivera

  • Practitioner: Magaly Rivera

  • Provider Type: Medical Doctor

  • Provider Class: Solo Practitioner

  • Initial Start Date: 2 weeks ago

Set up the Healthcare Provider Specialty record:

  • Name: Physician/Endocrinology

  • Practitioner: Magaly Rivera

  • Specialty: Endocrinology

  • Specialty Role: Specialist

  • Active: True

Set up the Healthcare Practitioner Facility record:

  • Name: Cumulus Health Hospital

  • Account: Cumulus Health Hospital

  • Practitioner: Magaly Rivera

  • Primary Facility: True

  • Active: True

Set up the Care Provider Facility Specialty record:

  • Name: Endocrinology

  • Specialty: Endocrinology

  • Practitioner Facility: Cumulus Health Hospital

  • Account: Magaly Rivera

  • Primary Specialty: True

  • Active: True

Cumulus Health team members need to know about a practitioner's specialty or taxonomy, if one exists. Because the pilot program is for diabetes care, establish specialties and taxonomy codes for endocrinology. Complete the following configuration and update Magaly's record to reflect this practitioner's specialty and taxonomy:

Create a Care Taxonomy record:

  • Name: Internal Medicine, Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism

  • Taxonomy Code: 207RE0101X

  • Taxonomy type: Allopathic and Osteopathic Physicians

  • Active: True

Set up the Healthcare Provider Taxonomies as follows:

  • Taxonomy name: Internal Medicine, Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism

  • Taxonomy: Internal Medicine, Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism

  • Primary Taxonomy: True

  • Practitioner: Magaly Rivera

  • Active: True

The Cumulus Health Business Office wants to ensure that they can perform proper reporting and billing with national provider identifiers (NPIs). Create two Healthcare Provider NPI related records associated with these accounts:

  • For Cumulus Health Hospital

    • Name: 1345677600

    • NPI type: Organization

    • NPI: 1345677600

  • For Cumulus Health Physician Group

    • Name: 1245678201

    • NPI type: Organization

    • NPI: 1245678201

To ensure that it’s providing the best service to its local site, the Cumulus Health team keeps track of its practitioners’ certifications and licensure statuses. Associate the following credentials with the practitioner.

Add this credential to Magaly Rivera’s record:

  • Board certification name: ABMS Board Certification

  • Board name: American Board of Endocrinology Specialties

  • Expiration Date: 1 year from now

Add a credential to Matthew Watkins' record:

  • Board certification name: AOA Board Certification

  • Board name: Bureau of Diabetes Specialists

  • Expiration Date: 1 year from now

Cumulus Health Patient Services would like to quickly access additional information about practitioners' facilities. Configure the provider relationship card so that the practitioner's record shows all the facilities where they do business:

  • Card Reference Name: PractitionersRelationshipCard

  • Card Developer Name: PractitionersRelationshipCard

  • Displayed on: Account object for Provider record type

  • Relationship to page: Directly

  • The object you want to display information from: Healthcare Practitioner Facility

    • Choose PractitionerId as the Source Object
  • Card Fields:
    • Facility name (Account name field)

    • Specialties provided by doctor at that facility

    • Provider’s Facility NPI

Now that you have created the practitioner's relationship card, make sure it shows on the Provider Record Page, in the Relationships component located in the Facilities tab.

Cumulus Health often receives calls with inquiries about specialty care or finding a doctor closer to a patient. Create a Care Coordination Console Home page to include provider search:

  • Page Name: Care Coordination Console Home

  • Developer Name: Care_Coordination_Console_Home

  • Layout: Home page with one region

Drop the Provider Search component into the page.

Create two custom fields named Admitting Privileges:

Healthcare Practitioner Facility object:

  • Type: picklist

  • Label: Admitting Privileges

  • Values: Yes and No

Care Provider Searchable Field object:

  • Type: text

  • Label: Admitting Privileges

Create a new record in Care Provider Search Config to represent the mapping associated with this new custom field in the two entities.

Make Provider Search usable for the team from the Care Coordination Console Home page. Make sure the Admitting Privileges field is visible in the Search panel. You can add any other fields you would like to include. Adjust Magaly Rivera’s Healthcare Practitioner Facility record to reflect her admitting privileges so you can demonstrate search functionality to the team.

Optional: you can demonstrate how provider search works (we won’t check for the demo search, but you can see for yourself if you’d like.) A patient calls into Cumulus Health Call Center inquiring about endocrinologists within 50 miles of their home who have admitted privileges. Conduct a distance-based search based on the patient address and 50 miles and with the Specialty Type of Specialist. Review the result records which should include only Magaly Rivera.

Configure Care Requests and Utilization Management

Cumulus Health has a secondary objective: streamline the steps for reviewing appropriateness of care. Prior systems have not had adequate information and were not easy to reconfigure when business needs changed. Your goal is to demonstrate how Health Cloud provides streamlined utilization management.

Start by configuring care request customization. Create a Care Request record type with the label Diabetes Care. Associate it with the Care Request's page layout. Make sure the record type is active and available for the user profiles you set up. Repeat these steps for the additional objects, using the Diabetes Care label for each object:

  • Case, associated with the Care Request's page layout

  • Care Diagnosis, associated with the Care Diagnosis page layout

  • Care Request Item, associated with the Care Request Item page layout

In Care Request Settings, create a Care Request Configuration record with the name Diabetes Care and with care request type Service Request. Make sure the Care Request Item and Care Diagnosis objects are available.

With the new care request configuration complete, add the Create Care Request Lightning component to the Care Coordination Console Home page (the page you created in the previous challenge).

Demo the new functionality by creating a care request from the Care Coordination Console Home page. Enter this information:

  • Case:

    • Case Origin: Phone

  • Care Request:

    • Member: Shankar Suman

    • Name: Diabetes care request

  • Care Request Item:

    • Name: Blood Glucose Monitor

  • Care Diagnosis:

    • Name: Type 2 Diabetes

    • Discharge Diagnosis code: E11.22, Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic chronic kidney disease

    • Modified Diagnosis code: E11.22, Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic chronic kidney disease

    • Diagnosis Code: E11.65, Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hyperglycemia

Save the record and review the new care request.

Maximize Productivity with Intelligent Sales

Vance Laboratories, a med tech company, is a major donor to the Foundation. The company’s support has helped Cumulus Health Global Foundation grow faster than originally planned. You have been in several conversations with some of the Vance team members, and have heard some of their pain points in med tech sales. Your insight: More sales for Vance means more funds for the Foundation. You offer to demo some of Health Cloud’s intelligent sales features.

Your first step is to navigate to the Health Cloud - Intelligent Sales app and set up inventory locations, starting with one in Minnesota:

  • Name: Minnesota Medical Supplies

  • Location Type: Inventory Location

  • Inventory Location: True

Visitor Addresses help users to find nearby inventories and request product transfers. In the location record you just created, create a visitor address that you can select in the Visitor Address field:

  • Address: 7255 Minnesota 61

  • City: Tofte

  • State: MN

  • Zip/Postal Code: 55615

  • Country: United States

  • Location Type: Warehouse

  • Address Type: Mailing

Next, define some inventory. Create a product item named Hip Prosthesis with the Minnesota Medical Supplies location. For this demo, enter a quantity of 50 with a unit of measure Each.

Finally, create a product fulfillment location:

  • Name: Minnesota Hip Devices

  • Product: Hip Prosthesis

  • Fulfillment Location: Minnesota Medical Supplies

  • Responsible User: Janet Campbell

  • Account: Cumulus Health Hospital

  • Account Location: Cleveland

Set up an action plan template to have a predefined list of tasks that med tech sales executives must execute during a surgical case visit. Create an action plan template:

  • Name: Surgical Visit

  • Action Plan Type: Assessment Execution

  • Target Object: Visit

Then, add the Order Authorization flow to the template and make it mandatory. Publish the Surgical Visit action plan template.

Demo the Intelligent Sales app by creating a surgical case visit from the My Visits component on this app's home page. Include this information:

  • Visit Location: Minnesota Medical Supplies

  • Visit Type: Replenish Hip repair devices

  • Primary Visitor: Janet Campbell

  • Account to Visit: Cumulus Health Hospital

  • Product: Hip Prosthesis

  • Product Quantity: 2

  • Action Plan Template: Surgical Visit

Manage Patient Devices

As part of the pilot program, Shankar receives a SmartScale. Demonstrate how to track devices by creating an asset record with this information:

  • Asset Name: Shankar Suman's SmartScale 2.0

  • Product: SmartScale 2.0

  • Account: Shankar Suman

  • Serial Number: PMSS2020001

  • Unique Identifier: PM_SS_JF001

  • Description: SmartScale shipped to Shankar Suman

  • Price: $299

  • Quantity: 1

You want to streamline registering devices to individual patients, using predefined automation. Add the quick action named Register Device and Create Shipping Request to the patient record page. Create a shipping request for Shakar’s SmartScale.

Add the shipping information for the device:

  • Street: 1 Market Street

  • City: San Francisco

  • State/Province: CA

  • ZipCode: 94105

  • Country: US

After Shankar receives the scale, his care coordinator can create care metric targets in the Remote Monitoring tab on Shankar's record page. Add a Care Metric Target for Shankar by entering this information:

  • Name: Individual Body Weight - Shankar Suman

  • Patient: Shankar Suman

  • Type: MAX

  • Numeric Value: 210

  • Code: Body Weight Code Set

  • Units of Measure: lbs

  • Start Date: 1 month ago

  • End Date: 1 year from now

Finally, display the remote monitoring charts on the patient record, under the Remote Monitoring tab, so that the device data is easily accessible. Create a few care observation records to demo the Remote Monitoring Charts.

You did it! Your demos were a huge success. Congratulations on your work—it will help the Foundation grow and create positive health outcomes for communities worldwide.



Before you begin the challenges, please review Health Cloud Specialist: Trailhead Challenge Help.

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~ 8 Stunden