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Summarize Report Data

Learning Objectives

In this project, you’ll:

  • Run reports to calculate averages, sums, and maximum or minimum values.
  • Use a formula to apply a discount to selected opportunities.
  • Learn about measuring values over time with PREVGROUPVAL().
  • Find proportions by comparing group total to report grand total with PARENTGROUPVAL().


Data summaries are a powerful feature of the Lightning Report Builder. With summaries, you can aggregate values, which empowers you to get more out of the numerical data in your report without even adding a filter.

Summarize Report Data


When you’re ready to preview data, manually refresh the report preview. Or, see sample records returned after each edit by turning automatic previews on.

Lance Park, a sales rep at Ursa Major Solar, has been looking for ways to optimize the company’s profit margins. He wants to see how the sum of expected revenue from all of Ursa Major’s opportunities compares to the actual revenue they can expect to see. He also wants to see average sum and expected revenue for each individual opportunity. With data summaries, Lance can create an opportunity pipeline report and summarize the Amount and the Expected Revenue columns to find the average and sum.

  1. Create an opportunity report.
    • From the App Launcher, find and select the Sales app.
    • Click Reports, then New Report.
    • From the Select a Report Type menu, search for and select Opportunities.
    • Click Start Report.
  1. To open the Filters pane, click Filters.
  2. Click the Close Date filter, set the Range to All Time, and click Apply.
  3. Group the report by Stage.
    • To open the outline pane, click Outline.
    • Under Group Rows, from the Add group… lookup, search for and select Stage.
  1. Refresh the preview, then find the Amount field and click Down arrow, navigate to Summarize, and select both Sum and Average.
  2. Click Down arrow next to the Expected Revenue column, navigate to Summarize, and select both Sum and Average.
  3. Click Save & Run.
  4. Name the report Opportunities by Stage.
  5. Set the report's unique name to OPPORTUNITIES_BY_STAGE.
  6. Click Save.

And that’s it! Now Lance’s report shows an average and an aggregate in the Amount and Expected Revenue columns for each stage. His report also shows the average amount and expected revenue for Ursa Major’s opportunities as grand totals.


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