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Organize the Solar Bundle with Features

Organized Options, Obviously

The solar energy system bundle is really shaping up, and the team at Ursa Major Solar is very happy with your work. After testing the bundle with their sales team, they identified a few areas for improvement. They want options organized in a convenient way, but they also want to enforce some business logic. 

Here’s how they want the bundle updated.

  • The solar panels and all three mounting kits are grouped together with a label of Panels. Also, they want to make sure that at least one mounting kit gets selected. It’s OK if more than one kit is selected. This group is the first shown on the page.
  • The inverter and microinverters are grouped together with a label of Inverters. One and only one must be selected at a time. This group appears directly below the Panels group.
  • The grid disconnect switch, solar disconnect switch, and wiring kit are grouped together with the label of Wiring.
  • The charge controller and two batteries are grouped with the label Battery Backup. Since these options are totally optional, sales reps are able to leave all of them unselected.
  • The Panels, Inverters, and Wiring groups are combined into a tab named Solar Essentials.
  • The Battery Backup group is in its own tab named Upsells.

You realize that you can meet every request by making Features for the bundle. By the time you’re done, the bundle will look like this.

Product Configuration of a Solar Controller Hub bundle with options organized into features

Strategy and Guidance



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