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Enable Chatter on the Travel Approval Object


By enabling feed tracking on objects, managers can follow records and track changes to key fields. They can see updates for records they follow in their Chatter feed, go to a specific record, and @mention other Chatter users to get their attention. It’s an ideal way for the management team to communicate about approvals.

Enable Chatter Feed Tracking

Enable Chatter feed tracking on the Travel Approval object.

  1. From Setup, enter Feed Tracking in the Quick Find box, then select Feed Tracking.
  2. In the list of available objects, click Travel Approval.
  3. Select Enable Feed Tracking.
  4. Select these fields:
    • Destination State
    • Status
  5. Click Save.

Confirm Sender Name and Email

With the Winter '24 release, the sender name and verified email address are required in order to send Chatter email notifications.

  1. From Setup, enter Email Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Email Settings under the Chatter section.
    1. In the Sender section, enter your name and email address.
    2. Click Save.
    3. When you receive the verification email, click the link to confirm your email address.

Test Collaboration

  1. Via the App Launcher, navigate back to the Travel App and click the Travel Approvals tab. Click the TA-00001record. For record collaboration, notice you have a tab called Chatter. If not, follow the directions below to make the tab to appear:
    • Click on the gear icon and select Edit Page.
      • Click on the Activity tab so that you can edit the configuration of this component.
      • Click Add Tab and then click on Details. Change the drop-down to Chatter and Click Done.
      • Click on the Chatter Tab.
      • Drag the Chatter Component onto the Chatter Tab.
      • Click Save.
      • Click Activate.
      • Click Assign as Org Default.
      • Click Next.
      • Click Save.
      • Click Back.
  2. Click the Chatter tab. Note: By default you have the option to make a Post, submit a Poll for feedback, or ask a Question.
  3. Click the Post sub-tab. Click in the area labeled Share an update… and enter @E and select Eric Executive from the popup window. Add the remainder of the message: Which department should I associate this travel request with?.
  4. Click Share to post. Note: Eric and you will both receive an email and notification about the post.
  5. In your email application, reply to the email, saying: Technology is the correct department.
  6. Refresh your travel app page to see the response in Chatter. 

This shows how Eric can collaborate on travel requests directly from his email and still document everything in the Travel Approval app.

You’ve created tabs, quick actions, record types, and record pages. You’ve customized page layouts and enabled feed tracking on Chatter. With all this hard work, you’ve made Eric Executive and his management team happy. You’ve also made their Travel Approval app much more efficient. Now they have a more user-friendly app and much easier access to the information they need to do their jobs well. 

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