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Customize the Patient Card

The Patient Card

Patient cards display summary medical information at a glance. Leif wants to see in the patient card what type of therapy sessions his patients attend. Leif also suggests showing the field label in Spanish for the Spanish-speaking employees of Bloomington Caregivers.

Customize the Patient Card

For standard Health Cloud objects, visibility on the patient card is determined by the HealthCloudGA__IsVisibleOnPatientCard__c field, but you can’t use the HealthCloudGA__ prefix in field names for custom objects. That’s why, earlier in this project, you created an Is_Visible_on_Patient_Card__c field which serves the same purpose. You use that field now to ensure that physical therapy sessions (which are custom objects) are always displayed on your custom patient card.

  1. If you’re not already in Health Cloud – Lightning Admin, open it from the App Launcher (App Launcher) now.
  2. In the search box, enter Patient Card and select Patient Card Configurations.
  3. Click New.
  4. Define a patient card configuration:
    1. Patient Card Configuration Name: Therapy Session
    2. Object Name: Physical_Therapy_Session__c
    3. Field Name: Therapy_Type__c
    4. Friendly Field Name: Therapy Session Type
    5. Sort Order: 8.0
    6. Sort By: Session_Date__c
    7.  Language: English (United States) (autofilled)
    8. Active: selected
    9. Ascending: not selected
    10. Patient Account Lookup: Account__c (autofilled)
    11. Limit: 1
    12. Override Filter Field: Is_Visible_On_Patient_Card__c
  5. Save the configuration.
    A new patient card configuration corresponding to the preceding steps.

Create a Spanish Field Label

Translation Workbench (a tool that creates translations for customizations in your org) can’t translate field labels. To create a Spanish version of the Therapy Session Type field label, clone the English version, creating a new configuration for the Spanish field label.

  1. Clone the Therapy Session patient card configuration.
  2. Update these fields:
    1. Patient Card Configuration Name: Therapy Session (Spanish)
    2. Friendly Field Name: Tipo de sesión de terapia
    3. Sort Order: 8.1
      Each configuration must have a unique sort order.
    4. Language: Spanish (Mexico)
      This setting causes the patient card to display the Spanish field label when the logged-in user’s language is Spanish (Mexico).
  3. Save the configuration.

The Therapy Session Type is displayed on the patient card.

Next, you add Charles Green to a new Physical Therapy Session and create a custom patient list.


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