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Stay Connected After the Learning Event

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Send a post-learning event survey and follow-up email.
  • Create a social media summary.
  • Recommend next steps for all attendees, including attending future events, joining groups, and joining the online Trailblazer community.

Leave No Trace

Once the learning event ends, clean up your trash and recycling, turn off the projector, and reset the room to the prior state. Take down all the signs and lock the doors. 

Recruit a volunteer to help you with the clean-up tasks in advance. You don’t want to be the last one left to clean everything up alone!

Create a Social Media Summary

Create a Twitter moment using your hashtag to find the best posts leading up to the event and during the event. Then tweet out your Twitter moment with the same hashtag, so that others can find it. You can also link to the Twitter moment when you send out your thank-you email.

Need some inspiration? See a sample TrailheaDX Twitter moment.

Send a Survey and Thank You

If you collect email addresses on the sign-up sheet, you can send a survey to everyone who attended. You can create a free survey using a program such as Survey Monkey, and you can find a sample survey in the downloadable pack. 

Here are some things to include in the thank-you email:

  • A link to a survey
  • A link to the Twitter moment
  • Next steps
  • PDF of your presentation slides

Suggested Next Steps

Everyone who attends your learning event should keep learning and connecting! Suggest the following in your thank-you email:

Getting connected with the Salesforce Trailblazer Community is a great way to keep the momentum going, and you have options to connect online or in-person (or both)!

And the same holds true for you. Staying connected is a great move, especially if you enjoyed hosting your learning event, and you want to keep making an impact.

Additional Next Steps for School Groups

If your learning event is at a school, there are additional resources available for faculty and students:

Now Go Be the Change

You now have what you need to go teach a learning event with Trailhead. It’s up to you to take the next step. Stay in touch and share what you’re doing to be a multiplier!


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