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Start Your Journey with the Assessment

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Explain how your organization can benefit from the Tableau Blueprint Assessment.
  • Describe how the Tableau Blueprint Assessment works.
  • List what the assessment results include.

The Journey to Becoming Data-Driven

By now, we hope you can see that Tableau Blueprint is pretty awesome. But we know there’s a lot to it. Your organization's journey involves interconnected steps that require the engagement of multiple stakeholders. So, where do you begin?

The Tableau Blueprint Assessment helps you navigate that complexity. It measures your organization’s current maturity and provides actionable, personalized recommendations on where to focus. Whether you’re a chief data officer, director of analytics, line-of-business leader, Tableau Server administrator, community leader, or other stakeholder, the assessment features personalized paths to help you gather insights from across the organization so you can drive comprehensive success. 

Image showing an individual reviewing their Tableau Blueprint Assessment results

Designed with data culture and analytics best practices in mind, the Tableau Blueprint Assessment helps you:

  • Establish your baseline: The Tableau Blueprint Assessment utilizes industry research and the Tableau Blueprint methodology to measure where you are in your data journey compared to other data-leading organizations.
  • Track your progress: Instantly get actionable recommendations and best practices for your role and responsibilities. Revisit and update your results to see how you’ve progressed over time.
  • Accelerate your transformation: You need both data culture and supporting technology to transform into a data-driven organization. The assessment helps you prioritize focus areas to achieve transformation faster.
  • Assemble your Transformation Proposal: Receive slide templates, client examples, and loads of resources to guide you along the way.

How the Assessment Works

The assessment is a free, web-based tool that’s available in 10 languages and takes no more than 20 minutes to complete. 

The assessment is divided into three sections: Data Culture, Capabilities, and Commitment. Each section is designed for a specific stakeholder. Answer a few questions up-front about your role and level of responsibility in your organization, and the assessment routes you to questions that are relevant to you. For a deeper dive into the question routing logic, see the Tableau Blueprint Assessment appendix.

Use the interactivity below to learn more about the assessment. Click an assessment section name to reveal what the section covers and more.

Your Tableau Blueprint Assessment Results

Once you complete the assessment, you receive actionable recommendations and guidance based on your role and responsibilities. These recommendations include the tactical steps you need to grow your organization’s capabilities, plus use cases from data-leading organizations—stories you can turn to for inspiration as you progress in your journey.

Remember, the assessment is not a competition. We all have to start our journey somewhere. Try not to be discouraged if you feel far from your ideal state. This exercise helps you assess your current capabilities, understand how you compare to peers, and craft a plan to prioritize the things that are right for you so you can reach your goals (which we discuss in the next unit). 

The assessment interface makes sharing your results and keeping track of your progress simple. Download your results as a PDF doc and use our built-in status feature. As you complete a recommendation and update the status to Done, your score dynamically updates, showing how far you’ve progressed in your journey. The status feature helps you stay focused and accountable and makes it easy to provide status updates to key stakeholders.

Curious about what types of recommendations you’ll receive? We’re glad you asked. Below is a real-life example of what you can expect. This respondent received recommendations around building Governance capabilities, including launching a steering committee/council, defining a data security process, and more. Each recommendation comes with actionable steps that turn the recommendation into reality. 

Example of Governance Assessment results as described in above text

To get a complete view of your organization, we recommend that you identify a broad set of stakeholders to participate in the assessment process. In the next unit, you learn how to identify those stakeholders and execute a successful Tableau Blueprint Assessment within your organization.


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