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Learn About Starter Suite

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Explain Starter Suite.
  • Describe who benefits from adopting Starter Suite.
  • List how Starter Suite drives sales, service, and marketing productivity.

What Is Starter Suite?

Starter Suite is the fastest and, yes, the easiest way to get started with Salesforce Customer Relationship Management (CRM).

Salesforce has a long history of helping businesses find, win, and keep more customers. Along this more than 20-year journey, we've connected with customers to learn how top-performing sellers, marketers, and service agents really use Salesforce to tackle their day-to-day needs. Those collective best practices are baked right into Starter Suite. Out-of-the-box configurations help get your users started faster than ever, boosting productivity and saving time from day one.

But, it’s not just easy to get started. It’s easy to bring your teams together to collaborate in a single workspace. Starter Suite includes sales, service, and marketing functionality in a single app, reimagined with a simplified design. (We go into more detail about built-in tools in the next section).

Setting up a workspace that serves multiple teams and processes sounds complex and complicated, right? Think again! Starter Suite was designed so you can spend less time on setup and implementation, and start using the most effective features and functionality right away. Because it’s a flexible platform, you always have the option to customize whenever you need to adapt to the unique, changing needs of your business.

Who Is Starter Suite Designed For?

Along with a simplified design informed by years of experience building best-in-class CRM, Starter Suite is equipped with streamlined setup and onboarding help. It’s ideal for companies, entrepreneurs, or teams brand new to Salesforce or CRM and those looking to scale teams and increase productivity. 

Let’s take a look at two of the features that most help first-time CRM users. 

The Home tab displays quick actions for the most valuable features. Users can start their day tackling their most important tasks based on what their focus is.

Question mark icon for Guidance Center

Guidance Center panel with learning for getting started and starting to sell

Starter Suite Features

This all sounds pretty inviting, right? Let’s dig deeper into how Starter Suite drives productivity across sales, service, and marketing from a single app. 


Salesforce Starter helps your sales teams prioritize important deals and increase productivity with these tools.

  • Out-of-the-box sales path and reports that keep teams on track and manage sales pipelines
  • Helpful guidance for success
  • Lead and opportunity records that capture important details, conversations, and interactions with prospects and potential customers

Sales path with the status of the deal and guidance for success.


Starter Suite helps your service team to deliver quick, helpful, personalized service to your customers. It includes:

  • Tools to track customer engagement history and details
  • A single app to manages customer cases, and a knowledge base

Case record about an issue logging in with fields for call logs, new tasks, knowledge articles, and customer details.



Marketing Campaigns & Einstein Send Time Optimization are currently only available in AMER. Email outreach features and list views are available in all regions.

Starter Suite helps your marketing team build branded marketing content and track customer interactions with features like these.

  • List views that allow users to select prospects or customers to reach out to
  • Campaign and email templates that create beautifully branded emails for sending company updates and offers
  • Automated email sends for personalized customer journeys, with Einstein Send Time Optimization to engage at the right time

Email template samples for cases created or updated.

Reports and Dashboards

Starter Suite allows for continuous tracking of business performance with these out-of-the-box tools.

  • Dashboards to visualize your business data
  • Reports to track key success metrics
  • Several pre-built sales reports to explore first

List of customer service and sales reports. Examples include Article Votes and My Pipeline.

Ready to Get Started with an Easier CRM?

Do you want to climb out of the never-ending pile of documents and to-dos in front of you? Stop drowning in emails and manually updating spreadsheets? 

With Starter Suite, your business can spend more time with customers and less time trying to find information about customers. You can build deeper customer relationships with sales, service, and marketing functionality in a single app. And it’s all contained in a simplified design that streamlines setup, onboarding, and everyday tasks.

Check out the resources for more information about Starter Suite and how to sign up for a free trial. And experience for yourself the most efficient way to drive your business forward.


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