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Set Up a Mobile Worker

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Download the connected app.
  • Set up a mobile worker as a service resource and assign them licenses.
  • Assign the mobile license permission set.
  • Set up sharing for a worker's service resource record.
  • Optimize offline priming.

Before You Start

To follow along in this module, you need a special Developer Edition org that contains Field Service with the managed package and our sample data. Get the free Developer Edition and connect it to Trailhead now so you can follow along in your own org. Later, you use it to complete challenges. This Developer Edition is designed to work with the challenges in this badge, and may not work for other badges. Always check that you’re using the Trailhead Playground or special Developer Edition org that we recommend. 

  1. Sign up for a free Developer Edition org with Field Service.
  2. Fill out the form. For Email, enter an active email address. For Username, enter a username that looks like an email address and is unique. It doesn’t have to be a valid email account (for example,
  3. After you fill out the form, click Sign me up. A confirmation message appears.
  4. When you receive the activation email (this might take a few minutes), open it and click Verify Account.
  5. Complete your registration by setting your password and challenge question.
    Tip: Write down your username, password, and login URL for easy access later.
  6. You’re logged in to your Developer Edition org.

Now connect your new Developer Edition org to Trailhead. 

  1. Click the name of your new Developer Edition org at the bottom of any hands-on challenge or project step.
  2. Click Connect Org and log in to your DE org.
  3. Launch the new org.

Open the Gantt and view the sample data.

  1. From the App Launcher App Launcher icon, find and select Field Service.
  2. Click the Field Service tab.
  3. In the calendar on the Gantt, choose September 22, 2021.
    Gantt calendar with September 22, 2021 selected

The sample data in this org runs from September 22, 2021 to September 24, 2021, so we go back in time for this module.

Download the Connected App

Maria has already downloaded and configured the Field Service managed package. Now she’s setting up things for her mobile workers. To do that, she needs the managed package for the connected app. The connected app adds key features to the mobile workers’ apps. With the connected app, workers can use geolocation services, see push notification messages, and use other app settings. Her mobile workers need these features to do their jobs.


The Connected App is already set up in your new Trailhead org. Read through the instructions to see how Maria did it, but don’t perform these steps in your Trailhead org.

Maria downloads the managed package for the connected app into a sandbox and tests it. After she’s sure it works for her, she installs it into Ursa Major’s production org.

  1. In the Download the Field Service Connected App help topic, copy the link to install the managed package.
  2. In an incognito window, paste the link.
  3. On the Salesforce login screen, enter the username and password for the org where you want to install the package, then click Log In. Use the special Trailhead org that you created and connected at the beginning of this module.
  4. Paste in the verification code that you receive in your email.
  5. Select Install for Admins Only, then click Install.Managed package installation page
  6. Approve the request to grant access to third-party websites for geolocation and optimization services.
  7. Wait for a message telling you that you’ll be notified by email when the package is installed, and click Done.

Maria spends the time thinking about what she needs to do to set up her mobile workers. She decides to start with James Clifton because he volunteered to be the first mobile worker at Ursa Major to try out the new app.

Assign Yourself Proper Permissions

First Maria makes sure that she has the correct permissions to set up her mobile workers.

  1. Click The setup icon, then select Setup.
  2. In the Quick Find box, enter users and click Users.
  3. Click your name.
  4. Under your name, click Permission Set Assignments.
  5. Look for Field Service Admin Permissions.

If you don’t see that permission set in the list, assign it to yourself.

  1. In the Quick Find box, enter permission sets and click Permission Sets.
  2. In the list of permission sets, click Field Service Admin Permissions.
  3. Click Manage Assignments.
  4. Click Add Assignments.
  5. Select the box next to your name and click Assign.
    Maria selects Jimenez, Maria, and clicks Assign.

Now Maria is ready to set up James Clifton as a service resource.

Create a Service Resource

When James Clifton first started working for Ursa Major, Maria created a user account for him. She makes sure it’s active and that James logged in to set up his password. If your new mobile worker doesn’t have a standard user account, create one.

But James is more than an ordinary user. He’s also a service resource, which is another word for mobile worker in Field Service. Mobile workers operate in a particular territory, such as Los Angeles. They also need mobile and scheduling licenses to view the app on their phones.


If your mobile workers are contractors, follow the instructions in Guidelines for Setting Up Field Service Contractors.

Let’s see how Maria set up James Clifton as a service resource.

  1. From the App Launcher, find and open Field Service Admin.
  2. Click the Field Service Settings tab.
  3. Click Go to Guided Setup.
  4. Click Create Service Resources.
    Note: You can see that James Clifton is already set up as a service resource in your new Trailhead org. Read through the instructions to see how Maria did it, but don’t perform the next steps in your Trailhead org.
  5. Select the username. Maria selects James Clifton.
  6. Select the service territory. Maria selects Los Angeles.
  7. Click both icons to assign Scheduling and Mobile licenses to the service resource.
    Guided Setup window showing James Clifton as a new service resource in Los Angeles with both licenses selected.
  8. Click Add.

Now James Clifton can be scheduled for jobs in the Los Angeles territory. He and his dispatcher can view his schedule on their desktops. He’s also been assigned the correct permission sets: Field Service Resource License, Field Service Resource Permissions, and FSL Mobile License. But James wants to view his schedule on his mobile phone too.

Assign Service Record Access

Maria gives James access to his service resource record so that he can see it in his mobile phone.


In your Trailhead playground, sharing is already set up for James Clifton. Read through the instructions to see how Maria did it, but don’t perform these steps in your Trailhead org.

  1. From the App Launcher, choose Service Resources.
  2. To see all your workers, choose View All.
  3. Select the worker. Maria clicks James Clifton.
  4. From the dropdown, choose Sharing.
    James Clifton’s user record with Sharing selected from the dropdown.
  5. In dialog, choose Read Only.
    Share dialog with Read Only selected in the Service Resource Access Level field.
  6. Save your changes.

Speed Up Offline Priming

Maria installs the mobile app on her phone and tests it. She notices that when she opens the app, she has to wait for a few minutes while everything downloads. She doesn’t want her team to have to wait that long.

Maria knows how to fix this. By default, the mobile app primes your phone with all service appointments for 45 days before and after the current date. That’s a lot of data, and it takes a while to download. Maria’s field service team only needs service appointment information for last week and next week.

Maria decreases the date range to 7 days before and after today.

  1. Click The setup gear., then select Setup.
  2. In the Quick Find box, enter mobile settings and click Field Service Mobile Settings.
  3. On the dropdown for Field Service Mobile Settings, select Show Details.
  4. In the Future Days in the Date Picker field, enter the range. Maria enters 7.
  5. In the Past Days in the Date Picker field, enter the range. Maria enters 7.
  6. Click Save.

When she opens the app again, it’s much speedier.

Maria reads up on Field Service Mobile Settings to see if there’s anything else she’d like to change. Everything looks good!

Now Maria has set up everything for James. She installed the connected app, set him up as a service resource, and assigned him the necessary licenses and permissions. Then she decreased the range of service appointments downloaded to his phone to speed up loading. Now she’s ready to customize the mobile app to increase productivity.


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