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Recommend a System of Record

Learning Objectives 

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Explain the difference between direct and indirect sales.
  • Designate a system of record for data.

Create a Single Source of Truth

Managing data across disparate systems can be challenging. In this unit, you learn how to review a customer’s products and systems and help them designate a system of record, or primary data repository. Watch the following video to learn more from Shoby Abdi and Abraham Lloyd, Architect Success Program Leads at Salesforce. 

The quiz at the end of this unit asks questions about the content of this video. Be sure to watch the video so you get the information you need to answer the questions. 


Did You Watch the Video?

Remember, the quiz asks about the video in this unit. If you haven’t watched it yet, go back and do that now. Then you’ll be ready to take the quiz.

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