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Automate Survey Reminders

Learning Objectives 

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Outline the problems faced by support agents with survey reminders.
  • Build a flow that resends invitations for unanswered surveys.
  • Build a flow to identify the recipient of survey reminders.

A Flow to Remind

Maria delivered a much-needed productivity boost to Carlos’s team by automating survey invitations for closed cases. But there’s another hurdle to get over. From experience, the support team knows that surveys aren’t really a favorite with customers and prospects. Recipients often delay their responses or ignore survey requests. The team usually nudges them with a reminder email and waits for a response. Automating survey reminder emails would save the support team a significant amount of time and effort.

Maria sets up a flow to automatically send reminders to recipients who haven’t responded to a survey invitation after a certain period of receiving it. But before that, she does the following.

  1. Click Setup and select Setup.
  2. Enter Process Automation in the Quick Find box.
  3. Click Process Automation Settings.
  4. In the Default Workflow User field, Maria enters and selects her name.
  5. Click Save.

Here’s how Maria builds a flow to send survey reminders.

  1. From Setup, enter Flows in the Quick Find box, then select Flows.
  2. Click New Flow.
  3. Make sure Start from Scratch is selected, and click Next.
  4. Select Schedule-Triggered Flow.
  5. Click Create.
  6. Enter the date and time to send out the reminder, and select Once as the frequency.
  7. In the Start element, click Choose Object. Select Survey Invitation as the Object.
  8. Under Condition Requirements, select All Conditions Are Met (AND) and define the condition.
    Field: ResponseStatus
    Operator: Equals
    Value: NotStarted
  9. Click Add Condition and define the condition.
    • Field: SurveyId
    • Operator: Equals
    • Value: 0KdRM00000001vN0AQ
      The Choose Object and Filter Conditions window showing the fields filled in.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when you’re setting up this flow.

Survey ID: 0KdRM00000001vN0AQ is the ID of the default Customer Satisfaction survey. The ID for the same survey varies from org to org. You must select the ID of the survey you want to send out. Copy the ID of the survey record from the page URL, and paste it in the Value field.

An image showing the survey ID in a survey URL.

Frequency: The frequency of survey reminders can also be set to Daily or Weekly, depending on how frequently you want the emails to be sent. You can send as many reminders as you want, depending on your email limits.

Reminder date: When selecting a date for the survey reminder in Set Schedule, it’s recommended that you select a date that falls after the expiration date of the first survey invitation. Otherwise, the contact would have two active invitations. Let’s look at an example. A support agent closes a customer case on August 10. The action triggers a flow, sending out the CSAT survey to the customer. The survey invitation expires in 7 days from the day it’s sent, which is August 16. If there’s no response from the customer, the support team should send out the reminder survey invitation on Aug 17 or later. 

Identify the Recipient

Maria created a flow that’s triggered by a schedule (the date and time at which she wants to send the reminder) for a specific survey record (identified by the Survey ID). She also set the frequency of the reminder. She must now specify the recipient of the reminder email. Here’s what she does.

  1. On the flow canvas, hover over Add Element and click Add Element. Select Action.
  2. In the side panel, select Surveys.
  3. In Action, select the Customer Satisfaction survey.
  4. In the Label field, enter CSAT Survey 2. The API Name is automatically set to CSAT_Survey_2.
  5. For Recipient Type, select Contact.
  6. In the Recipient tab, click + New Resource and select Variable as the Resource Type.
  7. Enter Contact as the API Name.
  8. Select Text as the Data Type.
  9. In Default Value, enter {!$Record.ContactId} and click Done.
  10. Select Unique link and Don't require authentication.
  11. Select Invitation expires in days and enter 7 in the text box.
  12. Click Done and save the flow.

The Edit customer satisfaction core action window showing the values entered in the Survey Subject, Recipient Type, and Recipient fields.

The Magic Doesn’t End Here

Maria fixed a long-standing problem for Ursa Major Solar. By eliminating a tedious everyday task, Maria enabled Carlos and his team to engage customers better and be more productive. 

Automation ensures that the right survey is sent to customers soon after their service support case is closed—without the intervention of a support agent. And automated reminders boost the response rate of customers, helping the team with relevant data for accurate measurement of customer satisfaction.

And that’s not all. You can automate many things with flows. You can build flows to automate survey invitations whenever a customer case is created, escalated, deleted, or put on hold. You can also have the flow send a survey for cases that have reopened or have been open for a long time. If you feel your customers are getting too many survey invitations (survey fatigue), you can customize the flow to restrict the number of invitations reaching them. With survey automation, you get to create positive experiences for customers.

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