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Manage Ad Hoc Disbursements and Anonymous Recipients

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Create unplanned benefit disbursements.
  • Track benefit deliveries to anonymous recipients.

Manage Unscheduled and Anonymous Disbursements

Working to improve the world can be messy at times. Not everything can be perfectly scheduled and planned, and sometimes you must work without information about everything.

For example, there are benefits where participants drop in or where disbursements can’t be planned—like an emergency shelter after a natural disaster. In other situations, you don’t have all of a benefit recipient’s information or they must remain anonymous.

Nonprofit Cloud for Programs supports both of these cases. In this unit, you learn how to track ad-hoc benefit distributions and distributions to anonymous recipients.

Create an Ad Hoc Benefit Disbursement

If a benefit doesn’t have any related benefit schedules or benefit session records, you can record ad-hoc benefit disbursements.


If a benefit has upcoming benefit sessions, you must add recipients to the benefit session as participants to track disbursements.

For example, HNMI operates a cafe that serves free, healthy meals as a walk-in service. Participants drop in if they need a meal, but their participation isn’t scheduled in advance. Let’s follow how the staff at HNMI records one of these disbursements.

  1. Find and select the Cafe Service benefit from a global search.
  2. Click New Ad Hoc Bulk Disbursement on the benefit record. You may have to click Show more actions first.
  3. Select Walk-in in Recipient Type.
  4. Enter 1 in Disbursed Quantity because the program is measured in meals served.
  5. Enter today’s date in Disbursement Date.

  6. Click Next.
  7. In the Select Participants from field, you can select Account or Contact to filter the list, plus filter by a particular list view. Select Account. This list includes both your person and business accounts. These accounts must already be created.
  8. You can select up to 20 participants. In this example, select only Jo Silvas.
  9. Save your work.

For each participant you select, a benefit disbursement, benefit assignment, and program enrollment record is created, as needed, to track their involvement with the program and benefit.

Work with Anonymous Recipients

So, what about participants you don’t know or who don’t have a person account record?

Every benefit disbursement requires an associated program enrollment record—but that program enrollment can be for an anonymous recipient. To create benefit disbursements for anonymous recipients, you must create a program enrollment record for an anonymous recipient.

Set up anonymous recipients for the Cafe Service benefit at HNMI, which is part of the Food Distribution program.

  1. Find and select Program Enrollments from the App Launcher ().
  2. Click New.
  3. Specify these details:
    • Name: Anonymous Cafe Diners.
    • Select Is Active.
    • Program: Food Distribution
    • Select Is Anonymous
    • Status: In Progress
  4. Save your work.

After your anonymous program enrollment is created, you can record anonymous benefit disbursements. For example, follow along with these steps to create an ad-hoc disbursement for 4 meals served to 4 recipients.

  1. Find and select the Cafe Service benefit from global search.
  2. Click New Ad Hoc Bulk Disbursement on the benefit record. You may have to click Show more actions first.
  3. Specify these details:
    • Recipient Type: Anonymous
    • Disbursed Quantity: 4
    • Disbursement Date: Today’s date
    • Number of Recipients: 4
  4. Save your work.

A benefit assignment and a benefit disbursement record are created and related to the anonymous program enrollment you created earlier.

These records roll up to your benefit- and program-level reports, accurately tracking your benefit disbursements when you’re analyzing your progress or showing off your work to donors and supporters.

Now that you know the basics of tracking your work in Nonprofit Cloud for Programs, it’s time to apply that knowledge to your mission. Get out there and start tracking your work!


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