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Apply Multi-Step Scheduling

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Book slots.
  • Reschedule and cancel slots.
  • Book slots when no slots are published.
  • Confirm slot bookings.

The Multi-Step Scheduling Advantage

With Charles Green's therapy procedure now in progress, it’s time for Anita Mandal, the treatment center coordinator at StayHealthy Hospital, to book appointments for Charles's CAR T-cell therapy. 

Anita Mandal, the treatment center coordinator, in her office at StayHealthy Hospital.

Anita must schedule appointments for apheresis, manufacturing, and infusion at the appropriate StayHealthy sites. Anita also has to remember that each procedure has a designated lead time—the number of days it takes to complete the step. It’s a huge hassle to look up each site, consider the lead times, and then book one appointment at a time. Anita has to toggle between different screens, and if she misses any date, she has to go through the entire process again.

Enter Multi-Step Scheduling to save the day! 

Built with the power of Salesforce Scheduler, Multi-Step Scheduling collates all of this information about procedures offered at different territories, parent service territories, lead times, and capacity. However, the search results aren’t just a representation of all the slots available. That would generate too many results, which would absolutely confuse Anita.

Instead, Multi-Step Scheduling optimizes the search to present the most appropriate slot results. This is done with the help of a combination of internal and external checks that ensure the coordinator finds the best results. You can find out more in How Are Slot Results Optimized in Advanced Therapy Management?

Now, with the most optimized search results before her, Anita begins scheduling appointments.

Book Slots

  1. Click App Launcher.
  2. Find and select Care Program Enrollees.
  3. Select the patient to schedule appointments for. Anita selects Charles Green.
  4. Click Book New Slots. The Schedule Appointments tab appears. Because Charles is already enrolled in the care program, the work procedure record is preselected.
  5. For Work Procedure Organization, select the parent service territory for the work procedure. Anita selects StayHealthy Hospital.
  6. There are two ways to search for available slots: basic search and advanced search. To run a basic search, select the date ranges of the first or last work type. To run an advanced search with the work types and their associated locations, expand the dropdown next to Advanced Search, and follow these steps.
    • Select a work type. Anita selects Oncarta: Apheresis.
    • Select up to three locations where the work type is performed.
    • To broaden the search, add more work types and associated locations. Anita selects Oncarta: Infusion as the next work type.
    • Click Search.
  1. To view the available slots, click the results.
    Here, Anita can view the available slots for the selected work types, all in one place. For each work type, Anita can also toggle between service territories to find the most appropriate slots.
  2. Select a time slot for each step of the work procedure.The Schedule Appointments tab with slot results for apheresis and infusion.
  3. Click Book Selected Slots.
  4. The Review Request Summary window shows the details of the patient and the selected slots. Review the details, and then click Submit.
    The Review Request Summary window showing the details of the patient and the selected slots.

Reschedule and Cancel Slots

Incorrect appointment date? Delay in logistics? Patient unavailable at the designated time?

No worries. Multi-Step Scheduling lets you reschedule and cancel scheduled slots with ease. 

You can choose full chain rescheduling or partial rescheduling, depending on the work type you select in the Reschedule window.

Charles isn’t available on the date his apheresis is scheduled, so Anita plans a complete reschedules of his slot.

  1. Click App Launcher.
  2. Find and select Care Program Enrollees.
  3. Select the patient whose appointments need rescheduling. For Anita, it’s Charles Green.
  4. Next to scheduled appointments, select Reschedule Slots.
  5. For a complete rescheduling, Anita selects Oncarta: Apheresis in Work Type.
    For a partial reschedule of slots, select any work type other than the first one. The Reschedule Slots window showing the work types that you can reschedule.
  6. Click Done. The Reschedule Appointments tab appears.
  7. To run a basic search or an advanced search, follow steps 4–7 in the Book Slots subsection.
  8. Click Reschedule Slots.
  9. Review the patient details and the slot details.
  10. Click Submit.

To cancel slots, Anita only has to click the Cancel Slots button in the Appointment Slots tab.

Books Slots When No Slots Are Published

What happens when a service territory doesn’t create slots for appointments? Advanced Therapy Management makes sure that Anita can still book slots. Before she can submit the request, Anita can manually select slots for booking. 

Note that if the manufacturing site doesn’t have published slots, reach out to the service territory contact instead of booking slots manually.

  1. Book a slot by following steps 1–6 under the Book Slots subsection. Under Oncarta: Apheresis, instead of slots, Anita views a message that prompts her to reach out to the Service Territory contact for details.The slot results for a work type when a service territory doesn’t provide slot availability.
  2. Click Book Selected Slots. In the Review Request Summary window, review the details about the patient and the selected slots.
  3. For slots that haven’t been published, select a start time and end time to book the appointment.The Review Request Summary window when a service territory doesn’t define slot availability for a work type.
  4. Select Submit.

And that’s it! Even when the service territory publishes no slots, it doesn’t deter Anita from booking slots for Charles. 

Verify Booking Request

You’ve read all about how to book, reschedule, cancel and manually schedule slots. Now you learn how to approve a booking request.

Advanced Therapy Management offers an automated flow that helps gene therapy coordinators verify and accept booking requests. To make the flow accessible, StayHealthy’s illustrious admin has added a Confirm Booking Request to the care program enrollee record page. You can also configure the button on the record pages of the Account, Opportunity, and Case objects.

After Anita books slots for Charles’s apheresis, the gene therapy coordinator verifies the request with a few easy steps. 

  1. Click App Launcher.
  2. Find and select Care Program Enrollees.
  3. Select the patient’s enrollee record. The gene therapy coordinator selects Charles Green’s record.
  4. To trigger the flow, click Confirm Booking Request.Charles Green’s record page with the Confirm Booking Request button in the highlights panel.
  5. To accept the booking, click Confirm.

Smooth, right? Multi-Step Scheduling helps Anita find the most effective appointment slots for Charles’s therapy on one platform. Flexible scheduling options help Anita accommodate last-minute delays and changes. All of this together ensures Charles is well on his way to recovery.


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