Prepare Your Data for AI
Successfully implement AI with the Einstein Trust layer, enhanced data quality, and optimized data sets.
+1,900 points
End User
~2 hrs 50 mins
+1,900 points
End User
~2 hrs 50 mins
+700 points
Data Quality
Discover strategies for assessing and improving the quality of your data in Salesforce.
~1 hr
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+100 points
Salesforce Data Cloud: Quick Look
Discover Data Cloud, the real-time platform for customer magic.
~5 mins
showShow 1 Units
+200 points
Data Cloud-Powered Experiences
Use Data Cloud to create personalized, real-time experiences across Salesforce and beyond.
~35 mins
showShow 2 Units
+100 points
Batch Data Transforms in Data Cloud: Quick Look
Create and schedule complex data transformations using batch data transforms.
~5 mins
showShow 1 Units
+400 points
Data and Identity in Data Cloud
Learn the fundamentals of data mapping, identity resolution, and unified records.
~30 mins
showShow 4 Units
+300 points
~30 mins
showShow 3 Units
+100 points
~5 mins
showShow 1 Units
~2 hrs 50 mins