Enhance Service Cloud with Lightning Knowledge
Give agents the right information, at the right time, and in the right format to close cases.
+3,500 points
Customer Service Professional
~5 hrs 40 mins
+3,500 points
Customer Service Professional
~5 hrs 40 mins
+300 points
Knowledge Basics for Lightning Experience
Use Lightning Knowledge to create a knowledge base for better customer service.
~20 mins
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+1,300 points
Lightning Knowledge Setup and Customization
Create record types and page layouts to optimize Lightning Knowledge for your business.
~1 hr 45 mins
showShow 5 Units
+400 points
Knowledge Search Basics
Learn how search works in Salesforce Knowledge and customize your org for better results.
~1 hr 10 mins
showShow 4 Units
+500 points
Lightning Knowledge Migration
Unlock the full power of Knowledge by migrating to Lightning Knowledge.
~1 hr 10 mins
showShow 5 Units
+500 points
Knowledge-Centered Service with Service Cloud
Handle customer requests using the Knowledge-Centered Service methodology.
~50 mins
showShow 5 Units
+300 points
Einstein Article Recommendations for Service
Recommend articles to service agents in real time with Einstein Article Recommendations.
~15 mins
showShow 3 Units
+100 points
Knowledge Grounding for AI: Quick Look
Prepare your knowledge base to optimize AI-generated content.
~5 mins
showShow 1 Units
+100 points
Unified Knowledge: Quick Look
Connect third-party knowledge in Salesforce to ground generative AI features for Einstein.
~5 mins
showShow 1 Units
~5 hrs 40 mins