Engage with Your Patients and Members Using Health Cloud
Learn about the Health Cloud features you use to track and verify patient and member health and information.
+3,400 points
Business Analyst
~3 hrs 55 mins
+3,400 points
Business Analyst
~3 hrs 55 mins
+1,100 points
Provider Search and Cards
Match patients with the right healthcare and life sciences providers.
~50 mins
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+200 points
Intelligent Appointment Management for Health Cloud
Create a seamless patient appointment booking experience with Health Cloud.
~20 mins
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+200 points
Benefits and Eligibility Verification
Verify insurance eligibility and coverage for patients in real time.
~15 mins
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+200 points
Patient Data Displays
Tailor the health timeline and patient card to cover your patients’ needs.
~15 mins
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+300 points
Unified Health Scoring with Health Cloud
Gain a holistic view of patient health to achieve the best care outcomes.
~30 mins
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+1,200 points
Intelligent Document Automation
Improve healthcare and life sciences productivity by automating documentation.
~1 hr 20 mins
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showShow 2 Units
~3 hrs 55 mins