Build Flows with Flow Builder
Build and distribute flows to automate your business processes.
+11,000 points
~10 hrs 50 mins
+11,000 points
~10 hrs 50 mins
+800 points
Flow Builder Basics
Explore Flow Builder and learn when to use flows to automate your business processes.
~40 mins
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+1,600 points
Data and Actions in Flows
Start building flows to automate business processes using Salesforce records.
~1 hr 40 mins
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+1,700 points
~1 hr 55 mins
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+1,600 points
Autolaunched and Scheduled Flows
Build screenless flows launched by a button, a schedule, or other automation.
~1 hr 30 mins
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+2,100 points
~2 hrs 5 mins
showShow 5 Units
+2,000 points
Multirecord Elements and Transforms in Flows
Transform, sort, and filter collection variables to create and update multiple records.
~1 hr 55 mins
showShow 4 Units
~10 hrs 50 mins
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