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Create a Redemption Catalog and Decision Table

Follow Along with Trail Together

Want to follow along with an expert as you work through this step? Take a look at this video, part of the Trail Together series.

(This clip starts at the 8:17 minute mark, in case you want to rewind and watch the beginning of the step again.)

Redemption Process Overview

Here’s an overview of the things Linda must do to set up the redemption process.

  1. Create a custom object and then add redemption catalog data to it, such as details about the product or reward, partner name, and the points members get.
  2. Create a decision table to determine which fields from the custom object should be used as input and output.
  3. Set up a flow to verify whether a member has enough points to redeem the rewards.
  4. Create a redemption transaction journal to run the redemption.

Create a Redemption Catalog

Linda begins by creating a custom object, which she’ll use to store data about redemptions.

Create a Custom Object

  1. Click Setup, and select Setup.
  2. Click Object Manager.
  3. Click Create, and select Custom Object.
  4. Provide the following details.
    • Label: Redemption Catalog for Inner Circle
    • Plural Label: Redemption Catalog for Inner Circle
    • In the Object Creation Options section, select Launch New Custom Tab Wizard after saving this custom object.
  1. Click Save.
    The New Custom Object page where you define the name for the custom object.
  2. Click the Tab Style lookup icon and select a tab style of your choice.
  3. Click Next.
    The New Custom Object Tab page where you select the tab style for the custom object.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Click Save.

Add Fields to the Custom Object

Linda adds fields to the custom object, which will be used for input and output in the decision table.

  1. Click Fields & Relationships.
  2. Click New.
  3. Select Lookup Relationship.
  4. Click Next.
  5. From the Related To list, select Loyalty Program Partner.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Provide the following details.
    • Field Label: Partner
    • Field Name: Partner
      The New Relationship page where you enter the label for the fields in the custom object.
  1. Click Next three times.
  2. Click Save.
  3. Linda repeats steps 2 to 9 to add the remaining fields with the following details.

Data Type

Related To

Field Label

Field Name

Lookup Relationship


Product Product


Points Points

Lookup Relationship

Voucher Definition

Voucher Definition Voucher_DefinitionId

Enter Data in the Custom Object

Now that Linda has set up the required fields, she adds data related to the catalog: partners, products, and points associated with the products.

  1. Click App Launcher, and select Redemption Catalog for Inner Circle.
  2. Click New and provide the following details.
    • Redemption Catalog for Inner Circle Name: 1
    • Partner: Cloud Kicks
    • Product: $20 voucher applicable on all footwear
    • Points: 1000
    • Voucher Definition: $20 voucher applicable on all footwear
  1. Click Save & New.
  2. Repeat steps 2 to 4 with the following details to create additional records (we won't check for these additional records in the hands-on challenge).




Voucher Definition



Cloud Kicks

Jonah Steven range of sneakers



Cloud Kicks

Custom sneakers consultation



Cloud Kicks

$20 donation to a charity of your choice

$20 donation to a charity of your choice



Cloud Kicks

Meet the founder




10% off sitewide

10% off sitewide




$10 voucher applicable on jackets

$10 voucher applicable on jackets


The New Redemption Catalog For Inner Circle window where you enter data related to the catalog items.

Create a Decision Table

A decision table provides outcomes based on the rules defined in the custom object. To create the decision table, Linda selects the source object that contains the rules, the input fields from the object that the decision table should read, and the output field. The output field contains the values used to calculate the outcomes.

Here’s what she does.

  1. Click Setup, and select Setup.
  2. Enter Decision Tables in the Quick Find box, and select Decision Tables.
  3. Click New and provide the following details.
    • Name: Redemption Catalog for Inner Circle
    • Description: Redemption Catalog for Cloud Kicks’s Loyalty Program
    • Source Object: Redemption Catalog for Inner Circle
  1. Click Next.
  2. Make the following input and output selections.

Field Name

Use As



Required Input



Required Input




Voucher Definition


  1. Click Next.
  2. Click Save.

The New Decision Table window where you select the input and output fields.

Create Dataset Links

A dataset link defines a mapping between a decision table’s input fields and fields in a source object. Using a dataset link, Linda maps the decision table’s input fields, which are partner and product, with fields of the transaction journal object. The decision table will determine outcomes based on these field values. Here’s how.

  1. On the Dataset Links card, click New.
  2. Provide the following fields.
    • Name: TransactionJournalLink
    • Description: Mapping fields for Transaction Journal
  1. Map the decision table fields to the corresponding fields of the transaction journal as follows.

Decision Table Field

Source Object

Source Object Field


Transaction Journal

Loyalty Program Partner ID


Transaction Journal

Product ID

  1. Click Save.
    The New dataset link window where you map the decision table fields with those of the source object.
  2. Click Activate.

So we’ve created the redemption catalog and decision table. In the next step, we set up a flow to verify whether a member has enough points to redeem the rewards. The flow will be based on the redemption catalog and decision table that we created.


Verify Step

+100 points

You’ll be completing this project in your own hands-on org. Click Launch to get started, or click the name of your org to choose a different one.

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