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Create a Unique Account List View

Sales users need quick access to accounts in two specific industries. Let’s customize a list view so users can conveniently access these accounts.

Create a New List View

Create a list view to display accounts in the biotechnology and energy industries.

  1. Click the App Launcher App Launcher and select Sales.
  2. Click the Accounts tab.
  3. Click the List View Gear with down arrow for List View Controls.
  4. Select New.
  5. Complete the New List View section.
    • List Name: Energy and Biotech Accounts
    • Who sees this list view: All users can see this list view 
  1. Click Save.

Edit the list filters.

  1. If you don’t see the Filters section on the right, click Filters Filter .
  2. Filter by Owner: All accounts.
  3. Click Done.
  4. Click Add Filter.
    • Field = Industry
    • Operator = equals
    • Value = Energy, Biotechnology
  1. Click Done.
  2. Click Save.

Choose fields to display.

  1. Click the gear icon Gear icon with down arrow in the upper-right for List View Controls, then select Select Fields to Display.
  2. Choose Industry from the Available Fields list, then click the Add arrow (>).
  3. Click Save.
  4. Click Hide Filters (the funnel icon in the upper right).

You successfully created a customized list view. Users can now quickly access all of the biotech and energy accounts. The VP of Sales loves the new list view and now wants a way for their reps to collaborate. Chatter groups to the rescue!

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