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Manage an Actionable List

Assign an Actionable List

Actionable lists are powerful not only because you can automatically add new records to the list, but also because you can assign an entire list to a user or a queue.

At HNMI, Elle worked with her fundraising team and decided that the Major Donor Qualification List actionable list is assigned to a major gift fundraiser at the organization. For this project, assign the list to yourself.

  1. On the Major Donor Qualification List actionable list, click Show more actions and select Configure and Assign List.
  2. On the Set Up List step, select Medium for Priority.
  3. Click Next.
  4. On the Assign List step, specify these details.
    • Assignment Type: User
    • User: Your own account
  5. Enable Future Assignment Rule.
  6. Select Apply the current assignment type.
  7. Click Next.
  8. On the Enhance List step, click Next.
  9. Save your work.

These settings assign the list to your user account and any new members to the same user account. If you want to reassign a member of the list, select the record and click Change Assignee. The fundraising managers at HNMI do this to balance portfolios so that all fundraisers have a similar number of donors in their portfolios.

Add Members to an Existing List

The qualification list you assigned in the previous section isn’t static, and sometimes it doesn’t work its way down to zero. That’s a good thing! In the case of HNMI, as more donors give, the list of person accounts marked for qualification changes and grows. Elle can add members to a list by automatically retrieving and adding records that match the filters she set or by manually adding more members.

To automatically add records that match your actionable list’s filters click Show more actions and select Add Latest Records. You receive a confirmation message, and any new records are added to the list.

You can also manually add list members. This option gives you the ability to modify or change filters to find and select records for the actionable list. For example, the HNMI Fundraising team wants to add individual donors who give more than $200 on average, regardless of how many donations they have given. Fortunately, Elle can add these records quickly using the template she set up in the last unit.

  1. On the actionable list, click Show more actions and select Add More Members.
  2. Under Saved Filter Templates, select Major Donor Prospects.
  3. Click the AverageGiftAmount filter and change the Value to 200.
  4. Click Done.
  5. Remove the GiftCount filter by clicking Close.
  6. In Filter Logic, remove AND 3because there’s no third filter anymore.
  7. Click Apply.

The records that match the new criteria filter.

New records appear. The fundraisers at HNMI immediately get to work on the accounts! Elle adds them now to send them into a fundraiser’s qualification list.

  1. Select both the account records for Alicia Baptiste and Maury Price.
  2. Click Review & Save.
  3. Review the records, then click Confirm & Save to add the records.

As an admin, you can also add quick actions to object list views and record pages to quickly add one or more records to an existing actionable list.

Regardless of how a new list member is added to the actionable list, each new list member is assigned based on the rules you set in the previous section.

Manage an Actionable List

At HNMI, fundraisers plan to use the actionable list Elle created to work through a donor qualification process.

There are a few ways to manage the list.

  • Use the Actionable List view.
  • Enable the Outreach List tab in an app, such as Philanthropy and Partnerships, to give fundraisers a split view of their assigned lists and donors.
  • Enable Actionable List Engagement to guide fundraisers through standard processes as they work with list members.

In this section, you learn about the ways you can use the Actionable List view on its own. See Work with Actionable Lists in Salesforce Help for details and more ideas and advice. You can learn more about Outreach Lists and Actionable List Engagement in Salesforce Help.

Here are a few Actionable List features that help you manage a list.

Preview List Member Details

Click a record name to open it, and then click Preview Member Details to quickly view details about a prospective donor. This action opens a details panel that displays fields from the record, the action launcher, and more. To customize this preview, clone and edit the Show List Member Details flexcard in Omnistudio. To learn how to enable this feature, see Add Show List Member Details to a Page in Salesforce Help.

HNMI’s fundraisers and managers love this preview view because they can get more information about a donor without having to leave this page. It’s like a command center for fundraising.

Change Status

Status values put the action in actionable lists. To change a list member’s status, click Show more in a list member’s row and select Change Status. Then select a new status and save your work.

At HNMI, fundraisers change a donor’s status from New to Qualification when they begin the qualification process. Managers and other fundraisers use this status update to know when a donor is picked up for qualification, which prevents duplicate work. Eventually, if a donor is qualified, they move to the Cultivation status that Elle created earlier. Or, if they aren’t ready to be a major donor to HNMI yet, they’re set to Disqualified status.

View Status Counts

To view a count of list members in each status, click Show KPI Bar. You can choose to hide or show the count of different statuses, as well. With the KPI Bar open, click Configure KPI Bar icon to edit the visible statuses.

After editing the KPI Bar, only the counts of the New, Qualification, and Cultivation statuses are shown.

For example, HNMI decided to not show the Total Members or Disqualified in its KPI Bar. When a prospective donor is disqualified from this list, the team no longer has to work with that donor, so why show that count?

Filter the List

Just like list views in other areas of Salesforce, you can also filter actionable lists. To apply a filter to the list, click Filter list.

HNMI chose to add filters to hide any list member in the Disqualified status because there are few actions to take with those donors.

Change Assignees

Managers and others can change the assignment for list members by selecting a record or records and then clicking Change Assignee.

Go Further with Your Definitions and Lists

At HNMI, Elle rolls out the new actionable lists, which fundraisers adopt quickly and absolutely love. The Fundraising team uses the lists to quickly track relationships and statuses, establish connections with prospective donors, and secure essential funding for HNMI. Her next task is finding ways to use the tools to help other fundraising processes.

In this module, you learned how to use the Fundraising Account Actionable List Template in Data Processing Engine to create an actionable list focused on individual major donors. This template is a great way to get started but Data Processing Engine and Actionable Segmentation are flexible tools that you can use for many other common nonprofit needs. For example, you can create an actionable list to:

  • Contact donors about an upcoming volunteer opportunity or major event.
  • Mail thank-you notes to major donors after they make a significant donation.
  • Remind donors about a pledge campaign.

For each of these ideas, the steps are the same as you learned in this project: Set up a Data Processing Engine definition, an actionable list definition, a schedule-triggered flow, and your actionable list. To learn more about these steps visit the links in the Resources section.

Now that you have a basic understanding of using actionable lists for fundraising, how else can your organization use the tool?


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