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Use a Custom Field in an App’s Recipe

Larry’s Laptop Emporium does a lot of business in Canada, so you added a custom amount field to the Opportunity object in Salesforce called Amount CAD. This field converts the USD amount to Canadian dollars. Let’s make sure that field gets reflected in your analytics data. 

  1. From the App Launcher, find and select Data Manager.
  2. Select Recipes.
  3. Select the Customer Insights Analytics Opportunity Recipe to open it.
    Select the Customer Insights Analytics Opportunity Recipe
  4. Use the Search field to find the Opportunity input node. To do this, select Input and select the Opportunity input node.

    Search for the Opportunity Input node
  5. Click Change columns to find and add the custom Amount field.
    Select Change Columns to add a custom amount field
  6. Select Amount CAD and click Next to add the field to the dataset.
  7. Click Save and Run to update the recipe. Note: If you need to roll back to the original version of the recipe, you can open the Version History panel in the upper right corner and roll back to a previous version by selecting the version and clicking Save.
    Add the Amount CAD field to the Opportunity object
  8. Go to the Data Manager and click Jobs Monitor to see if your Recipe is running.
  9. After the Recipe has run successfully, go to the Opportunity dataset from Data Manager | Data Assets | Opportunity to view the new Amount CAD field. It’s now part of the Opportunity dataset.
  10. From the Opportunity object, click Explore.
  11. Select Sum and Amount CAD for Bar Length.
    Select Sum and Amount CAD field in the Opportunity object
  12. Select Account Name in Bars.
    Select Account Name in Bars to view sum of account in CAD
    You can now see your biggest opportunities with the Amount in CAD.

  13. Click Save to save the new lens, and name it Sum of CAD Opportunities.
  14. After you have saved the lens, close it, and return to Analytics Studio.

Add a Customized Component to the Canadian Sales Dashboard

Next, update the custom dashboard called Canadian Sales with Closed Opportunities by Amount in CAD for Accounts in Canada.

To make it easier to meet ad-hoc requests like these, the Customer Insights Templated App comes with 5 Gallery Dashboards with prebuilt dashboard components. These components are built with best-practice insights for Activities, Leads, Cases, Opportunities, and Products that are easy to copy-and-paste and tailor to your own dashboards.

  1. From Analytics Studio, select Browse | All Items | Dashboards.
  2. Select the Gallery - Opportunity Components dashboard.
  3. In the dashboard, click Edit and select the Opportunity Closed Won dashboard component (entitled Top Accounts & Sales Reps by Closed Won).
  4. Click the Edit Component icon in the bottom right corner.
    Edit the Opportunity Closed Won dashboard component]
  5. When prompted, click Make a Copy.
  6. Click the Edit icon to rename the component.

    Rename the Opportunity Closed Won dashboard component
  7. Rename the new dashboard component as Opportunity Closed Won CAD.
  8. Select the bar chart and click the Edit Query and Widget icon.

    Click the Edit Query and Widget Icon
  9. In the Bar Length field, select Sum and Amount CAD to change the Bar to Amount in CAD.

    Selecting Sum of Amount CAD in the Opportunity Closed Won CAD object
  10. Click the Filters tab.
  11. Click + to add a new filter.
  12. Create a new filter with the following condition: Billing Country equals Canada.
  13. Click Apply.

    Adding a filter condition: Billing Country equals Canada
  14. Click Update.
  15. Go to the second page of the component widget by clicking the By Sales Rep tab.
  16. Select the bar chart and click the Edit Query and Widget icon.
  17. In the Bar Length field, select Amount CAD to change the Bar to Amount in CAD.
  18. Click the Filters tab.
  19. Click + to add a new filter.
  20. Create a new filter with the following condition: Billing Country equals Canada.
  21. Click Apply.
  22. Click Update.
  23. Select the number widget, and click the Edit Query and Widget icon.

    Edit the number widget
  24. In the bar length field, select Sum and Amount CAD.
  25. As before, click Filter and + to add a new filter.
  26. Create a new filter with the following condition: Billing Country equals Canada.
  27. Click Apply.
  28. Click Update.
  29. Return to the Widget editor, and check the Shorten Number box.
  30. Change the size of the number to 32 by clicking on the Text Style accordion tab and editing the number size.
  31. Click Save.

Congratulations, you have successfully changed an existing dashboard component to reflect a custom field, the Amount in CAD!

Embed the Component in a Dashboard

Next, you need to embed the component in a dashboard.

  1. From Analytics Studio, click Browse | All Items | Dashboards.
  2. Click the Larry’s Laptop Emporium - Canadian Sales dashboard.
  3. Click Edit to open the icon menu.
  4. Drag the Component widget type from the icon menu onto the dashboard under the title Closed Won (CAD).
    Adding the component widget to Larry’s Laptop Emporium dashboard

  5. Click the Component icon in the center of the widget and then select the new Opportunity Closed Won CAD component that you just created.
  6. Click Done.
  7. Finally, adjust the size of the widget to match the rest of the dashboard by pulling the corners of the component widget, and save the dashboard.
  8. From the Data Manager, open the updated dashboard to see the new component.
  9. Click Save.
    Larry’s Laptop Emporium dashboard with a new embedded widget
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