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Meet Fundraising Rollups and Data Processing Engine

Learning Objectives

In this project, you’ll:

  • Describe how Data Processing Engine calculates and updates rollup fields.
  • Activate a template Data Processing Engine definition for Fundraising.
  • Create a custom rollup field for Fundraising using Data Processing Engine.
  • Build a schedule-triggered flow to automatically run Data Processing Engine definitions.
  • Use the Related Record Detail Display element to display rollup fields on a page layout.

This module discusses rollups and features available in Fundraising, an integrated platform solution included in Nonprofit Cloud and Education Cloud.

It doesn’t cover fundraising solutions available in managed packages such as Nonprofit Success Pack.

Before You Start

Before you start this module, consider completing the following recommended content.

Interpret Rollup Fields in Fundraising

Every gift a donor gives to a nonprofit or educational institution is a reason to celebrate. But, if a donor gives several times—or dozens or hundreds of times—you need a way to track the deepening impact of their giving.

In Salesforce, you can surface this type of information automatically using rollup fields.

Rollup fields provide you with deep insights into your donor relationships. For example, rollup fields can display the total monetary value of a donor’s gifts, the value of a donor’s biggest gift, or the date of a donor’s first gift. With this kind of intelligence, you're equipped to acknowledge and target the right donors for your fundraising activities.

Here's a screenshot of a donor’s person account record with the rollup fields in the Donor Giving Summary highlighted.

The Average Gift Amount, First Gift Amount, and First Gift Date rollup fields appear on a donor’s person account record.

In the Fundraising data model, rollup fields are stored in specific objects, which are separate from Account, Campaign, and Source Code records. This table shows the objects and data they store.


Stores Gift Rollups Related To

Donor Gift Summary

Person and organization accounts

Outreach Summary

Campaigns and source codes

Gift Designation

Transactions set aside for a specific purpose

The data from these related records is displayed on accounts, campaigns, and source codes using the Related Record Detail Display page component.

In this project, you activate the built-in calculations provided with Fundraising to generate donor gift summary values. You then create a custom calculation for a new rollup and add it to a schedule-triggered flow and page layout. But before you dive in, learn about the tools that make rollups work in Fundraising.

Fundraising rollups are calculated using Data Processing Engine, a tool that transforms data in your Salesforce org and creates or updates records. Data Processing Engine gets the data from relevant records, does the necessary calculations, and places that data in donor gift summaries and outreach summaries.

Fundraising includes many fields by default. These fields are populated with values calculated by the included DonorGiftSummary, OutreachSummary, and GiftDesignation Data Processing Engine template definitions. To start calculating values from these definitions, make a copy of them and activate them. Then use Flow Builder to create a schedule-triggered flow that recalculates the values and keeps the rollup data up to date.

Check out the DonorGiftSummary and OutreachSummary pages in the Nonprofit Cloud Developer Guide for a list of the rollup fields included and how they’re calculated in the template definitions.

You’re probably eager to jump into a Salesforce org and explore the template definitions—but hold on! It’s best to activate the Data Processing Engine template definitions, but don’t modify them. Instead, use the templates as they come and create separate Data Processing Engine definitions for your custom rollups.

Knowledge Check

Ready to review what you've learned? This knowledge check isn’t scored—it’s just an easy way to quiz yourself. To get started, drag the term in the left column next to the matching description on the right. When you finish matching all the items, click Submit to check your work. To start over, click Reset.

Go Beyond the Templates in Data Processing Engine

Now that you understand the basics of how to create rollups with Data Processing Engine, you can apply the concepts in a typical scenario.

Imagine that you’re the Salesforce admin at a global nonprofit called Hunger No More International (HNMI). The organization works to end hunger and promote healthy food options. The fundraisers at HNMI are excited about the rollups included with Fundraising, but they have one additional request following a recent meeting.

HNMI fundraisers met to discuss their fundraising strategy, and a new idea emerged.

HNMI’s fundraising leaders want to track and target donors who’ve given the most single gifts valued at US$1,000 or more. Internally, the team calls these donors the Comma Club because they’ve given a single donation value that includes a comma. Comma Club donors get special recognition, and fundraisers want to use this new count of gifts to segment and target donors.

The fundraisers who secure large gifts also want to see the number of $1,000 or more donations when they review a donor’s profile.

As an admin, you can meet this requirement by creating a rollup field on the Donor Gift Summary object. The new rollup field will contain a count of a donor’s gift transactions of $1,000 or more. Because major-gift fundraisers want to see this information on a donor’s profile, display this new rollup field on each donor’s person account record in the Philanthropy and Partnerships app. Major-gift fundraisers use the app daily.

Before starting to work on these requirements, you need to complete some setup steps.

Sign Up for a Developer Edition Org with Nonprofit Cloud

To complete this module, you need a special Developer Edition org that contains Nonprofit Cloud and our sample data. Get the free Developer Edition and connect it to Trailhead now so you can complete the challenges in this module. A Developer Edition is a free, fully featured Salesforce org separate from your organization's Salesforce org. It’s a place where you can experiment and try new things from a blank slate or special configuration. In this project, you sign up for an org that includes configured Fundraising tools and features, plus sample data so you can start to experiment right away.

This Developer Edition is designed to work with the challenges in this badge, and may not work for other badges. Always check that you’re using the Trailhead Playground or special Developer Edition org that we recommend.

  1. Sign up for a free Developer Edition org with Nonprofit Cloud.
  2. Fill out the form:
    • For Email, enter an active email address.
    • For Username, enter a username that looks like an email address and is unique, but it doesn't need to be a valid email account (for example,
  3. After you fill out the form, click Sign me up. A confirmation message appears.
  4. When you receive the activation email (it might take a few minutes), open it and click Verify Account.
  5. Complete your registration by setting your password and challenge question. Tip: Save your username, password, and login URL in a secure place—such as a password manager—for easy access later.
  6. You’re logged in to your Developer Edition.

Now connect your new Developer Edition org to Trailhead.

  1. Make sure you’re logged in to your Trailhead account.
  2. In the Challenge section at the bottom of this page, click the org name and then click Connect Org.
  3. On the login screen, enter the username and password for the Developer Edition you just set up.
  4. On the Allow Access? screen, click Allow.
  5. On the Want to connect this org for hands-on challenges? screen, click Yes! Save it. You’re redirected back to the challenge page and ready to use your new Developer Edition to earn this badge.

Finally, for this project to work, disable and then enable Data Pipelines in your Developer Edition org.

  1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter data pipeline, and then select Getting Started under Data Pipelines.
  2. Disable Data Pipeline.
  3. Enable Data Pipeline.

Your trial org is ready for the project.

In this step, you learned the basics of rollups in Fundraising and the role of Data Processing Engine. In the next step, you activate a Data Processing Engine template definition and get the Donor Gift Summary object ready for a new rollup.


Verify Step

+100 points

You’ll be completing this project in your own hands-on org. Click Launch to get started, or click the name of your org to choose a different one.

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