Calculate and Display Your Results
Activate and Run Your Data Processing Engine Definition
Your Data Processing Engine definition is complete, but it hasn’t done anything yet. The fundraisers at HNMI are anxiously awaiting the new rollup field.
Fortunately, all that’s left to do is to activate and run the definition to produce the data.
- Click Activate on the definition.
- Click Run Definition and Next.
- Click Next again and Run Definition.
To check on the progress and status of your definition, check Monitor Workflow Services in Setup.
- From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter
, and then select Monitor Workflow Services.
- Check the status of your Donor_Gift_Summary_Custom_Rollups batch job in the Batch Jobs list view.
- Refresh the list view until the job shows a status of Completed. It may take a few minutes.
When the job is finished, the new $1,000 or More Gift Count field is populated in donor gift summaries. What happens as new gifts come in, though? As you learned earlier in this project, you can run Data Processing Definitions regularly with a flow to keep data up to date.If the job is taking a while to finish, you can move on to the next section and check back in a bit.
Update the Schedule-Triggered Flow
Remember the schedule-triggered flow you set up earlier to run your copy of the default template definition? You can use that same flow to run your new definition, too.
Add your new Data Processing Engine definition to the flow so all of the donor gift summary rollup values are calculated at the same time.
- From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter
, and then select Flows.
- Select Donor Gift Summary Schedule Triggered Flow.
- Click
between the Run DonorGiftSummary-Active and End elements.
- Find and select an Action element.
- Find and select Donor Gift Summary Custom Rollups-DataProcessingEngine.
- Specify these details:
- Label:
Run Donor Gift Summary Custom Rollups
- API Name: This field auto-populates with
- Description:
Runs the custom fundraising rollups Data Processing Engine definition
- Label:
- Save your flow.
Now the flow runs the default Data Processing Engine definition and then runs your new custom definition.
At this point, you would typically activate the flow, but you can skip this step in this project. We only check that the new Data Processing Engine definition is included in the flow, not if the flow is active.
Display Your Rollup Field
The data is in the $1,000 or More Gift Count field on donor gift summaries, and it’s regularly updated—but it isn’t easily accessible.
The fundraisers at HNMI want to show this field on donor profiles, especially the fundraisers who work on high-value gifts. Plus, they want standard rollup information about a donor’s biggest gift. Those fundraisers use the Philanthropy and Partnerships app in Fundraising, so you need to modify the person account page in the app.
Go to the Philanthropy and Partnerships app and find a person account.
- From the App Launcher (
), find and select Philanthropy And Partnerships.
- In Global Search, find and select the person account for Soledad Torres.
Notice that a Donor Giving Summary is already on the page and contains only three donor history rollup fields.
The Donor Giving Summary object uses the Related Record Details Display page component to display fields from the Donor Gift Summary object on a donor’s profile. Although it’s helpful information, it doesn’t include your new rollup field. Go ahead and add it now, plus another field.
- Click Setup (
) and Edit Page to go to the Lightning App Builder.
- In Lightning App Builder, click the Donor Giving Summary Related Record Detail Display element on the page.
- In Related Record Details Display settings, click Add Group.
- Specify these details:
- Group Name: Major Gifts
- Choose Fields: Highest Gift Amount and $1,000 or More Gift Count.
- Group Name: Major Gifts
- Save your work.
- Click
to go back to the page layout in the Philanthropy and Partnerships app.
Check out your new fields!
Cool, right? If you want, you can create another gift transaction of more than $1,000 for Soledad, rerun your Data Processing Engine definition, and watch the number increase by one. This step isn’t required to earn the badge, but it’s fun to make the number go up.
Go Further with Custom Rollups
Your solution to the fundraisers’ request at HNMI is a hit. They love the new rollup, and they’re already putting it to use in reports and targeted fundraising efforts. Now fundraisers are hungry for even more insight about donors who give gifts of $1,000 or more.
Fortunately, using your new skills and many of the same Data Processing Engine nodes, rollups for these calculations are well within your reach:
- The sum of gifts over $1,000
- The date of a donor’s first gift over $1,000
- The date of a donor’s most recent gift over $1,000
Your hard work has really paid off. In this project, you enabled a template Data Processing Engine definition, created a custom field and the definition to populate it, scheduled definitions to run using flow, and modified a page layout. This project is only a simple example, though. For more information about Data Processing Engine, Flow Builder, and Fundraising, check out the links in Resources throughout this project.
What other rollups can you and your organization dream up and implement?