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Discover Credentials and Healthcare Facility Objects

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • List the types of data that credential objects track.
  • Describe the information recorded in healthcare facility objects.

Credentials Objects

When you're responsible for referring constituents to service providers, you need to make sure they're qualified for the job. This is why it’s crucial for your agency to track all of the accreditations, certifications, and licenses of your partnering providers. Public Sector Solutions provides objects for storing relevant credential information to ensure constituent safety, quality of care, and compliance with regulations.

Regulators and other accrediting bodies conduct periodic evaluations of hospitals, clinics, and other service providers to ensure the level of care meets quality and safety standards. Staff in these facilities must also maintain official licenses and certifications to operate legally. Use the accreditation object to record each certification, the accrediting body, and the provider or practitioner who received it.

Licensed physicians and other healthcare professionals are almost always certified by a board of experts who specialize in their field. You can track these types of credentials in the board certification object.

In addition to medical accreditations and certifications, service providers must have an active license to operate legally. Create and associate business license records for each provider in your network.

Sometimes, providers go above and beyond the normal requirements of care, gaining special recognition for their efforts. Associate any awards that a provider receives by using the award object.

Of course, professional training and work history are also important considerations when selecting providers for a referral. As you learned earlier, you can use the person education object to track all of the academic achievements of an individual practitioner and the person employment object to store their employment history.

Here are a few examples of the credential objects in Provider Management.




The Cosville Grief Counseling Center maintains an accreditation from a regulatory agency that monitors counseling providers to ensure that they meet rigorous quality standards.

Board Certification

The Cosville Grief Counseling Center is recognized as a Board-Certified-TeleMental Health Provider.

Business License

The owner of the grief counseling center maintains a business license to operate in the City of Cosville.


Last year, the Cosville Grief Counseling Center recently received the Excellence in Grief Counseling Services Award from an organization that reviews and recognizes the work of counselors.

Person Education

Ashley, the grief counselor, holds a Master of Arts in Counseling Philosophy.

Person Employment

Ashley has a long resume of past work in different areas of counseling.

This diagram shows how credentials objects relate to other Provider Management objects.

Diagram of credentials objects.

The accreditation, board certification, business license, award, and person education objects connect to contacts, business accounts, and healthcare providers. This way, you can get a full view of the credentials of each provider organization as well as individual staff members.

With access to credentials, caseworkers can verify that providers are qualified, and that practitioners are properly trained in their specialty.

Healthcare Facility Objects

Caseworkers need information about the physical locations, working hours, and specialty of each provider to refer constituents to the right facility. In the example scenario, Connor seeks a facility specializing in grief counseling to help Steve. Due to his mobility issues, Connor wants to find a facility close to Steve’s house.

Here are the objects for storing data about provider facilities.

  • Create a healthcare facility record to store the location, facility type, related account, and other information about a treatment center. Some facilities, like hospitals, have dedicated spaces for individual doctors, counselors, or other healthcare professionals.
  • The healthcare practitioner facility object contains details about the facility where an individual practitioner operates.

In either of these objects, store information about the age range of constituents that the facility serves, whether the practitioner is a primary care physician, and other details.

Use the location object to record the physical address of the facility and the operating hours and time slot objects for times when the practitioner operates there. Use the care provider facility specialty object to store the area of specialization of each practitioner facility.

The Cosville Medical Center is a large healthcare facility housing the offices of many medical practitioners, including the Cosville Grief Counseling Center. Here’s where Ashley, the grief counselor, conducts her sessions. Each facility in the medical center has a unique set of specialties, operating hours, and time slots.

The diagram shows how healthcare facility objects fit into the Provider Management data model.

Diagram of healthcare facility objects.

Notice that the time slot and operating hours objects map to the individual healthcare practitioner facility, while the location maps to the larger healthcare facility.

This object…

Relates to these objects…


Healthcare Facility

Business Account, Healthcare Practitioner Facility, Location

The Cosville Medical Center is a healthcare facility that contains the offices of several medical practitioners.

Healthcare Practitioner Facility

Healthcare Facility, Healthcare Provider, Referral, Care Provider Facility Specialty, Benefit Disbursement, Benefit Session, Benefit Schedule, Operating Hours

Counselor Ashley’s office at the Cosville Grief Counseling Center is a practitioner facility located inside the Cosville Medical Center healthcare facility.

Care Provider Facility Specialty

Healthcare Practitioner Facility, Referral, Care Specialty, Benefit Disbursement

The Cosville Grief Counseling Center specializes in aiding constituents who experience bereavement.


Healthcare Facility

The Cosville Medical Center is located on Main Street in Cosville.

Operating Hours

Healthcare Practitioner Facility, Time Slot

The Cosville Grief Counseling Center operates year-round and is located in the PST timezone.

Time Slot

Operating Hours

The Cosville Grief Counseling Center is open between 8 AM and 5 PM on weekdays.

Because Steve struggles with mobility due to his recent knee surgery, Connor is glad that he can quickly pinpoint grief counseling close to Steve’s home.

You’ve now learned how to record all the details about provider credentials and facilities. This helps to ensure quality of care and to capture helpful logistical information for referrals. Next up, you learn about the benefit and referral objects for connecting constituents with solutions.


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