Understand Forcedroid Apps
Learning Objectives
After completing this unit, you'll be able to:
- Describe the overall flow of a native Salesforce Mobile SDK for Android app
- Identify the two main classes of a forcedroid app
- List tasks that the SalesforceSDKManager object handles for you
Overview of Application Flow
You’ve created and run a new forcedroid native app. Wondering what makes it tick?
Here’s a diagram that shows, at a high level, how the app startup flow works.
In your app, the “Application Object” is an instance of your MainApplication class, and “Main Activity” represents your MainActivity class. The MainApplication class creates your app’s basic components and then passes control to the MobileSyncSDKManager singleton object. MobileSyncSDKManager—a subclass of SalesforceSDKManager—in turn launches the Salesforce login flow, and—if user authentication succeeds—hands off control to the MainActivity class. MainActivity instantiates and displays everything that appears on your list view screen.
Passcodes, login, logout, and cleanup are tasks that the MobileSyncSDKManager singleton manages. Internal class objects take care of OAuth protocols. As you can see, the passcode part of the flow is optional. It occurs only if your connected app enables passcodes, and a Salesforce admin can revert that policy at any time. In any case, though, you have nothing to worry about for passcodes. Mobile SDK provides complete implementation behind the scenes.
What’s in a Forcedroid App?
- Performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on Salesforce records
- Adding custom activities
- Calling other components
- Doing anything else that your project scope, your own imagination, and current technology allow
When forcedroid creates a native app, it makes a copy of a Mobile SDK template project and customizes it to match your command line input. Let’s look at some of the standard items that this cookie cutter produces.
- An application class that extends android.app.Application. This class serves as the app’s entry point. In your app, this class is named MainApplication.
- A main activity class that extends android.app.Activity. This class defines a screen and contains most of the app’s custom logic. In forcedroid apps, this class is named MainActivity. It extends SalesforceActivity, which in turn extends android.app.Activity.
As with any Android app, the AndroidManifest.xml file designates the app’s configuration, specifying the application class and all activity classes.
The Application Class
Your application class accomplishes two main tasks:
- Overrides the Android Application.onCreate() method.
- In its onCreate() override:
- Calls the superclass onCreate() method.
- Initializes Salesforce Mobile SDK by calling initNative() on the SDK manager object (MobileSyncSDKManager).
- Provides optional commented code that you can reinstate to use your app as a Salesforce identity provider.
- Provides optional commented code that you can reinstate to support push notifications.
- From the Android Studio Welcome screen, select Import project (Eclipse ADT, Gradle, etc.). Or, if Android Studio is already open, click .
- Browse to the target directory you specified at the forcedroid command prompt and select it. (Hint: The target directory is “TrailAndroidApps”, unless you broke the rules.)
- Click Choose.
- When the Android Studio editing window comes up, open the Project View ( ).
- In the Project window, expand , and then double-click MainApplication.
The MainApplication class is pretty simple. It defines an override of a single base class method, onCreate(). What does the override do? It calls the super class OnCreate() method and then initializes the MobileSyncSDKManager singleton object.
- An application context, so that it knows how to find your app’s configuration.
- A reference to the main activity class—MainActivity.class—which MobileSyncSDKManager uses at the end of the login flow to kick off your app’s custom logic.
The Main Activity Class
Luckily, forcedroid is smart enough to make your MainActivity class extend SalesforceActivity. That bit of good fortune means that you get many gnarly things for free. For example, SalesforceActivity automatically handles pause and resume events, including any necessary passcode re-entry. If you had instead used some non-Salesforce activity base class—not a forbidden strategy, but not recommended, either—you’d be writing that code yourself. You can define as many activity classes as your app demands. However, it’s a good idea for every activity to extend a Mobile SDK base class, such as SalesforceActivity or SalesforceListActivity.
The MainActivity class busies itself with sending a REST query to Salesforce, and then processing the response. It uses the records it receives from Salesforce to populate a list view. It also provides two buttons that let the user choose to query either Accounts or Contacts, as well as a button to clear the record display, and another one to log out.
- In the Android Studio Project window, expand , and then double-click main.xml.
- At the bottom of the editor window, select the Text tab.
The App Manifest
- In the Android Studio Project window, expand .
- Double-click AndroidManifest.xml.
Also, every activity you or forcedroid defines gets a description here. For example, the sole application/activity node in this case represents the first activity that appears after login. As you see, the activity’s android:name property references your main activity’s class name. Here’s the application/activity XML fragment from a forcedroid AndroidManifest.xml file.
Everything else you see in the default manifest file is standard Android configuration. As with any Android app, you can add your app’s own components to the <application> node, such as custom activities, services, and receivers.
Now that you've learned what's in a forcedroid app, let’s move on to the info you’ve been waiting for: how to access Salesforce data.