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Set Up the Org

Learning Objectives

After completing this module, you’ll be able to:

  • Assign permissions to the required users.
  • Enable settings in Data Cloud so it can access Loyalty Management data.
  • Use starter bundles to transfer data from Loyalty Management to Data Cloud.

Linda’s ready to prepare the technical requirements to connect Loyalty Management and Data Cloud. Remember that the loyalty program, Cloud Kicks Inner Circle, and the Data Cloud instance must be part of the same org.

A computer screen displaying an image for configuration.

To help her stay focused, Linda charts out the major tasks. 

A roadmap of the steps in the setup process.

First, she enables admin permissions so she can access the required features. Next, Linda connects Loyalty Management and Data Cloud by bringing loyalty objects to Data Cloud. Finally, she uses a data bundle to transmit data from Loyalty Management to Data Cloud.

Let’s follow along as Linda checks off each task. 


This module doesn’t have a special Developer Edition org, so just read along as Linda completes the steps. If you’re working in a production org or on a real-world project, you must follow each step to set up the integration.

Enable Permissions

As the admin, Linda’s responsible for managing access and visibility in the Data Cloud permission model. While she needs to have a system admin profile to access Data Cloud Setup, she needs to assign Data Cloud permission sets to any user who needs access to Data Cloud. To learn more about the available standard Data Cloud permission sets, check out Data Cloud Standard Permission Sets.


Linda must be a system administrator to view Data Cloud Setup.

Here’s how she assigns the Data Cloud Admin permission set to herself and other users who perform Data Cloud-related tasks. 

  1. Click Setup, and select Setup.
  2. Enter Users in the Quick Find box, and select Users.
  3. Select a user.
  4. Click Permission Set Assignments.
  5. Click Edit Assignments.
  6. Add the Data Cloud Admin permission set. The screen shows this permission set added alongside other enabled permission sets.
    The Permission Sets page where you enable permission sets.
  1. Click Save.

[Alt text: A roadmap of the steps in the setup process, with the first step completed.]

This completes the first step in the setup, so now it’s time to connect Loyalty Management.

Connect Loyalty Management and Data Cloud

Linda selects the Loyalty Management org to import data from it. She then modifies the permission sets for each of the loyalty objects and fields that she wants the Loyalty app to ingest. 

Select the Org to Connect

Here’s how Linda connects the Loyalty Management org.

  1. Click Setup, and select Data Cloud Setup.
  2. Under Salesforce Integrations, click Salesforce CRM on the left.
  3. Click Connect.

Before Linda can install the data bundles, she needs to modify the permission sets for each loyalty object and field she wants to use.

Enable Connector Settings

Linda wants to import standard and custom objects and fields into Data Cloud. To do this, she adds permissions to the Salesforce CDP Salesforce Connector Integration permission set. After that, she enables the View All and Read permissions to ingest standard or custom objects and the Read Access permission to ingest fields. 

  1. Click Setup, and select Setup.
  2. Enter Permission in the Quick Find box, and select Permission Sets.
  3. Select Data Cloud Salesforce Connector.
  4. From the Apps section, select Object Settings.
  5. Select the object to ingest into Data Cloud, for example, Loyalty Ledgers.
  6. To change object and field permissions, click Edit.
  7. Enable Read and View All permissions for the object and Read Access for each field.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Repeat steps 5 to 8 for all objects and fields you want Data Cloud to ingest.

Linda enables loyalty object permissions for 23 objects.  

A roadmap of the steps involved in the setup process, with the first two steps completed.

She moves to the last phase of the setup, which is to begin data flow from Loyalty Management. Let’s understand how she creates data streams to enable the data flow.

Use Starter Bundles for Data Flow

Loyalty Management stores loyalty program data, such as the tiers, currencies, and members in Salesforce platform objects. Use this data to track and manage reward and recognition programs. The data-to-object mappings relate to the Loyalty Management Bundle available in Data Cloud, and you can add or customize the mappings as needed.

Install the Standard Data Bundle

Here’s how Linda installs and deploys the Loyalty Management Bundle.

  1. Click Setup, and select Data Cloud Setup.
  2. From Salesforce Intergations, click Salesforce CRM on the left.
  3. In the Standard Data Bundles section, select the dropdown for Salesforce CDP CRM Loyalty.
    The Salesforce CRM page where you install a starter bundle.
  1. Click Install.
    The Install Salesforce CDP CRM Loyalty window where you select the user profile.
  2. In the Install Salesforce CDP CRM Loyalty window, select Install for Admins Only.
  3. Click Install.
    The Install Salesforce CDP CRM Loyalty window after the installation is complete.
  4. Click Done.

The installation takes a few minutes, and Linda receives an email after the package is successfully installed. She now creates a data stream to start the data flow.

Let the Data Flow Begin

Data streams are the connections and associated data that Data Cloud consumes. Salesforce offers prepackaged starter data bundles that use data streams to automatically map data source objects to data model objects (DMO). 

Here’s how Linda creates the data stream.

  1. Click App Launcher, and select Data Cloud.
  2. Click the Data Streams tab.
  3. Click New.
    The New Data Stream page where you select a source for the data stream.
  4. Select Salesforce CRM.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Select the Loyalty data bundle.
  7. Click Next twice.
  8. Click Deploy.

Deployment can take a few minutes. Once complete, Linda sees all the data streams with mappings. 

The Data Streams object with a list view of all the data streams.

The data stream is ready.

A roadmap of the steps involved in the setup process, with all steps completed.

Linda has completed the prerequisite technical requirements to create customized segments.

In the next unit, you look at how Linda and Mary set up and activate segments.


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