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Enable Distributor Performance Management

Learning Objectives

After completing this module, you’ll be able to:

  • Deploy distributor performance reports and dashboard.
  • Add distributor performance dashboard and metrics to a home page.
  • Add performance metrics and reports to Account and Contact record pages.

An insurance producer is someone who sells insurance products to clients on behalf of an insurance company. Insurance in Financial Services Cloud supports the following kinds of producers.

  • Direct—Insurance company employee
  • Captive—A contract agent of the insurance company selling only a single insurer’s policies
  • Independent—A contract agent of the insurance company selling multiple insurers’ policies

Ridhima from the MaxProtect agency is authorized by Cumulus Insurance to sell policies in the Accident line of authority

If you’ve earned the Insurance for Financial Services Cloud Data Model Basics badge, you’ll be familiar with Marcello Ghirlando and Ridhima Kapoor, independent producers at MaxProtect, a Cumulus distribution partner. 

Corinne Proakis is a high-performing sales manager at Cumulus. What keeps her up at night is the performance monitoring of individual distributors and producers, like the good folks at MaxProtect. Matt figures he can help simplify Corinne’s work with distributor performance metrics and reports. 

He creates a home page with the distributor performance dashboard and performance metrics to give sales managers like Corinne consolidated performance summaries for their distributors.

Deploy Reports and Dashboard

Matt deploys the provided distributor performance reports and dashboard before he adds them to a home page or record page.

  1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Insurance Settings, and then select Insurance Settings.
  2. Enable Deploy Distributor Performance Reports and Dashboard.

    Deploy Distribution Performance Reports and Dashboard

This option is available only if API access is enabled in your org.

You can enable this option only if the Let Multiple Producers Work on the Same Policy option is already enabled. You can monitor the deployment progress on the Deployment Status page in Setup. You are also notified about the status via email. If the deployment fails, you can resolve the errors, and then try redeploying. After a successful deployment, you can’t disable this option.

After a successful deployment, the reports are available in the Insurance Distributor Reports folder on the Reports tab in your org. The dashboard is available in the Insurance Distributor Dashboards folder on the Dashboards tab.

Before you add the dashboard or reports to a home page or record page, use enhanced folder sharing to share your dashboard and report folders.

Add Dashboard and Metrics to a Home Page

Next up, Matt creates a custom home page for sales managers like Corinne. Then, he adds the distributor performance dashboard and distributor performance metrics to the page.

  1. On the home page, from Setup, select Edit Page.
  2. Drag the Dashboard component to the page.
  3. Click anywhere on the component to select it.
  4. In the Properties pane, from the Dashboard list, select Distributor Performance Dashboard.
    By default, your users view the dashboard as you. That is, they see data in the dashboard according to your access to data. You can change who your users view the dashboard as. For more information, see Dynamic Dashboards: Choose Who People View a Dashboard as in Lightning Experience.
  5. Drag the Insurance Distributor Performance Metrics component to the page.
  6. Click anywhere on the component to select it.
  7. In the Properties pane, under Metrics, click Select.
  8. Select the metrics that you want to add to the component, and click OK.
  9. If you use the Producer Policy Assignment object to map both a single producer to a policy and multiple producers to a policy, select Include policies with multiple producers.
  10. Click Save.

Add Metrics and Reports to Record Pages

Sales managers like Corinne can now view individual distributor and producer performance when Matt adds performance reports to the account and contact record pages.


You can add performance metrics only to the account record page.

  1. On the record page, from Setup, select Edit Page.
  2. Drag the Report Chart component to the page.
  3. Click anywhere on the component to select it.
  4. In the Properties pane, from the Report list, select the report that you want to add to the component.
    The Report list includes reports for both the account and contact record pages. Select an appropriate report, depending on the record page you are on. For example, on the account record page, select Renewals by Policy Type (Account). On the contact record page, select Renewals by Policy Type (Contact).
  5. From the Filter By list, select Account ID or Contact ID, depending on the record page you are on.
  6. Repeat the steps to add more reports to the page.
    Tip: The performance reports are based on these provided custom report types.
    • Accounts with Contacts and Business Licenses
    • Accounts with Contacts and Distributor Auth
    • Accounts with Multiproducer Policies
    • Accounts with Multiproducer Policies and Claims
    • Contacts with Multiproducer Policies
    • Contacts with Multiproducer Policies and Claims

Next, Matt adds performance metrics to the account record page.

  1. Drag the Insurance Distributor Performance Metrics component to the page.
    This component is not available on the contact record page.
  2. Click anywhere on the component to select it.
  3. In the Properties pane, under Metrics, click Select.
  4. Select the metrics that you want to add to the component, and click OK.
    You can select up to six metrics.
  5. If you use the Producer Policy Assignment object to map both a single producer to a policy and multiple producers to a policy, select Include policies with multiple producers.
  6. Click Save.

Corinne’s mighty pleased. Distributor performance metrics and reports help her build trusted relationships with the folks over at MaxProtect. In the next unit, see how Matt helps further strengthen this relationship.


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