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Learn the Importance of Equality at Salesforce

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Explain why Equality is a core value at Salesforce.
  • Identify why Equality is an important value to live day-to-day.

Our Commitment to Equality

Equality is a part of who we are at Salesforce and is one of our core values. What does that mean, exactly? It means that we believe in equality for all, and we believe we can lead the way to equality, in part, by creating a workplace that’s diverse, inclusive, and free from discrimination.

Equality recognizes that, historically, certain groups of people have experienced discrimination based on race, class, disability, sex and sexual orientation, and other aspects of identity. At Salesforce, we strive to build inclusive work environments where every individual feels valued, supported, and safe to be their true authentic self; environments in which every individual is empowered to perform their best work regardless of who they are, where they come from, or what they believe in. Our commitment to equality is embedded across our business and is reflected in the decisions and actions we take as a company. This commitment does not waver, especially in challenging times.

[Alt text: Alexandra Siegel, SVP and Chief Equality Officer.]

“Equality is not just a moment, a program, or an initiative—it’s our culture. Beyond being a core value, it’s how we innovate and lead.” —Alexandra Siegel, SVP and Chief Equality Officer

As a company, Salesforce remains committed to equality not only because it’s the right thing to do, but also because putting equality at the core of business operations leads to better outcomes. Research shows that employees are more likely to say they’re proud to work for a company that’s committed to equality and are more likely to perform their best work in inclusive environments. Additionally, we know that a majority of professionals expect companies to deliver social impact, and one of the best ways to realize the potential for social impact is through a commitment to equality.

Connecting to Your “Why”

There are many reasons why we name Equality as one of our core values at Salesforce. To fully operationalize this value across our company, it’s important that each employee, customer, and partner understands their own “why.” In other words, why is it important for us to center equality in everything we do? Why, and more importantly how, does equality show up in our role, our practices, our decision-making, and our interactions with others?

This module is the beginning of a journey to help you answer these questions and identify ways to live this core value every day, including:

  • Developing a common language related to equality to better equip you to engage in conversations around the topic.
  • Learning how to reflect on your own identity and how it influences your interactions with the world around you.
  • Developing a deeper understanding of inclusive leadership as you discover how to lead and what to look for in leaders.

And it all begins with connecting to your why.

[alt text: A group of employees gathered around a speech bubble that reads, “What’s my ‘why’?”]

Going on a personal equality journey lasts a lifetime. It requires a commitment to constantly connect with others, learn from their experiences, and understand how those experiences relate to your own. Part of going on this journey is figuring out why you want to go on it in the first place. Your why is the thing that pushes you forward, especially if you face challenges or setbacks along the way.

There are times when you’re exposed to perspectives, beliefs, and life experiences that differ from your own. As you build this awareness—and begin to see the world through the eyes of others—your own view of the world may change or be challenged. This is a good thing. This is where growth happens.

Sometimes when you embark on a journey, you may not always know where to begin or where to go next. Regarding equality, you may see injustice in the world, or even in the workplace, and feel compelled to act. You may develop a desire to learn more so you can be equipped to do something. But then you pause because you don't know what resources to turn to. You become nervous about having conversations related to such sensitive topics. You fear doing the wrong thing. These are understandable—and even expected—concerns. However, focusing on your why helps you push past those moments of doubt to move toward growth and understanding.

Here are several questions you can ask yourself to identify your why as it relates to learning more about, and ultimately living, the Salesforce core value of Equality. Take some time to reflect on these questions and answer them for yourself. As you go through the rest of this module, return to these questions to see how your answers evolve.

  • Why is equality important to me, if at all? What event or experience led to my desire to learn more about equality?
  • What kind of obstacles must I overcome to start or continue my equality journey?
  • How does my understanding of equality currently influence my decisions, behaviors, and interactions with others?
  • How might this journey help me grow personally and professionally?

Now that you’ve taken the first step in the journey—identifying your why—the question becomes, “What's next?” One of the best places to begin is to understand what it means to be an ally. In the next several units, you learn the meaning and power of allyship, so keep reading


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