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Get the Most Out of Dreamforce

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Name at least three tips for solo and group attendees.
  • Describe what to pack and what not to pack.
  • Explain the benefits of the Salesforce Events mobile app.
  • Explain how to use the Trailblazer Community for pre- and post-Dreamforce planning.
  • List resources to help prepare for Dreamforce.

Prepare as a Solo or Group Attendee

Attending Dreamforce for the first time can be somewhat daunting, so we’ve gathered some tips to help you prepare.

When planning your Dreamforce experience, consider whether you’re doing it on your own or in a group. Because, as we’ve already mentioned, cloning isn’t yet an option, it helps to prepare beforehand.

Flying Solo?

Are you going solo to Dreamforce and need to make the experience a win for your entire company? Then set up pre-Dreamforce meetings across your company to gather a wish list of meetings and learnings.

Make a Dreamforce game plan, and stick to it when possible. But be flexible—you don’t want to miss out on a spontaneous event with a new friend!

Speaking of new friends, we recommend you make some even before you get to San Francisco. The Trailblazer Community is a great way to meet other people attending alone. There are Trailblazer Community groups for everyone.

Going with Your Squad?

We have some advice to make even more of the event with the help of your crew.

You’re all in this together, which means you don’t have to attend all the same sessions. Divide and conquer! Having your group attend different sessions lets you take in even more information and makes for great discussions when you meet up. But don’t steer clear of each other completely—in fact, it’s good to share and know each other’s schedules and plan to meet up for the social events at Dreamforce. (Dreamfest, anyone?)

Pack It Right, Pack It Tight

Here are some thoughts on what to pack for Dreamforce.


Go for comfort. This is not the week to break in those new loafers or wear your snazziest high heels. You’ll be standing around and walking a lot. Wear your most comfortable shoes. Let’s repeat that: Wear your most comfortable shoes.

Devices and Chargers

Decide which devices to bring. Do you really need a laptop? If you’re planning on doing an interactive workshop in the Developer Zone, then yes, you need your laptop. Otherwise, maybe you can get by with a smaller, lighter tablet or even just your smartphone. Charging stations are available at various locations around the Dreamforce campus. Bring your charging cables so you can power up throughout each day, or bring extra batteries.


San Francisco weather changes often. It can be sunny in the morning, chilly in the afternoon, and rainy at night. Or all three in the space of an hour. The answer is layers: clothes that you can easily put on and take off as the weather changes.

And while we’re talking about weather…

We’re all hoping for amazing weather, but just in case, consider bringing an umbrella. The more compact and lightweight the umbrella, the happier you’ll be.

Don’t Bring…

While we’re talking about what to bring, let’s talk about what not to bring. Too much stuff. You can bring a snack or two and a water bottle, but meals and a snack are provided to attendees. Remember, you’ll get some sweet swag, and you’ll need to store your Salesforce swag for your trip home! A simple backpack or shoulder bag is all you need.

The Salesforce Events Mobile App

There’s no better way to build your on-site guide to Dreamforce than with the Salesforce Events app. Download your indispensable guide for navigating your journey, via your iOS and Android device. Use the app to personalize your schedule, view sponsor profiles, and stay connected throughout the event.

1. Build your personalized schedule through Agenda Builder.

Fill your agenda for the day with keynotes and sessions that match your interests. Just tap Add a Session, thenfilter and you'll see a list broken down by themes, roles, industries, and products. Tap the Add to Agenda button to add items to your agenda, or tap the star to mark them as a favorite for later consideration.

2. Amplify your journey with an on-site Quest.

Visit locations, complete tasks, unlock prizes, and learn something new. Quests are curated journeys through our most popular event activities and sessions. To get started, check out Quests in the Home screen of the app.

3. Get quick tips on how to get there and where to go on-site.

Navigate your way around the event with a high-level event schedule, maps to guide you to Dreamforest andkeynotes,and information about transportation options around the city.

4. Stay connected and network with others, wherever you are.

Learn how to connect to our campus Wi-Fi and connect to other attendees via key social media channels. You can also learn more about giving back or connecting with other attendees in your industry through the Trailblazer Community.

More Tips for an Epic Dreamforce

Plan for Downtime

Don’t pack your agenda to the gills! Leave space for downtime to mingle, relax, and enjoy. If you cram in too many sessions, you’ll burn out by day two. Instead, plan downtime to enjoy the Dreamforest—a great place to chill in the sun and listen to music with your fellow attendees—or do whatever else that helps you refill your tank.

It’s OK to Not Do Everything on Your List

So you planned for downtime, and still didn’t make it to everything on your checklist? Don’t panic—the majority of sessions are recorded for your post-Dreamforce viewing pleasure. You can watch them on your couch, at home, while getting a foot massage (which you may need after getting in all your steps at the event).

Plan for Meals

No one is pleasant to be around when they’re hangry (hungry + angry), or when they’re dehydrated. Keep your friends and enjoy your sessions by making time to grab food and drink (on us!) during your busy day.

Don’t Carry More Than You Need

This isn’t the time or place to test your shoulder strength. This is Dreamforce, not your favorite gym. You’re here to be inspired by visionaries, not compete with your personal trainer. Pack as light as you can, and leave unnecessary items in your hotel room.

Plan Ahead with the Trailblazer Community

The Salesforce Trailblazer Community is an online portal where you can access help, give feedback, ask questions, and collaborate with Salesforce partners, product specialists, employees, and other customers.

The Trailblazer Community is the heart and soul of the Salesforce community. While millions of people within the Salesforce community don’t get to go to Dreamforce, they still get to be part of the Dreamforce community. This enables Dreamforce to happen all year long—the conversation doesn’t stop after attendees leave San Francisco.

If you can’t squeeze in everything during the jam-packed 3 days of Dreamforce, the same experts leading sessions at the conference are available in the community year-round. And guess what—they love answering questions and sharing best practices. Really!

Use the Trailblazer Community to Help with Dreamforce Prep

One of the best ways to make the most of the community is to make connections and network before the event. Not only can you bring those online connections to life at Dreamforce, but you can also continue the relationships after the conference without skipping a beat.

So how do you connect with the right people? Look for the right groups to join! There are groups for everyone—Dreamforce groups allow you to make your own conferences within the conference.

Look for your local user groups in the community, so you can get face-to-face at the conference and then meet up again when you’re home after Dreamforce. We have role-based and industry-based groups as well, so look out for your specialty.

Dreamforce Resources

But wait… there’s more (isn’t there always more?). Here are three more resources to help you prepare.

Virtual Dreamforce Quests

Want to prepare for all of the awesome topics that will be discussed at Dreamforce? Be sure to check out Trailhead Quests for the Road to Dreamforce Quest (runs from early August till Dreamforce kicks off in September). And look out for the Dream Quest (runs from Dreamforce Day 1 till the end of October) that will highlight all of the newly announced features and content from Dreamforce 2024.

Dreamforce Trail Map

In late August, registered Dreamforce attendees get an email with Dreamforce Trail Map details. These industry and role specific agendas include sessions, keynotes, and even recommendations on different areas of the campus to visit. This feature is also available in the Salesforce Events app.


Obviously, we love Trailhead, and you can expect to see a ton of trails available at Dreamforce. But why not get ahead of the pack? When you look at most sessions, you can see specific trails or badges that provide additional information about the topics at hand. Prepare yourself and earn more badges before arriving on-site. And a friendly reminder, you can earn Trailhead badges on-site for fun prizes, with expert guidance available. (Note: blatant plug for the Camp Trailhead area that is run by the Trailhead staff.)

Now you know what Dreamforce is, how to plan for a successful Dreamforce, and even what type of shoes to wear. What more could you ask (besides cloning yourself so you could attend more Dreamforce sessions)?!?!

See you at Dreamforce!

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