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Prepare the Org for CRM Analytics

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Enable CRM Analytics.
  • Assign CRM Analytics admin and user permissions.
  • Grant permissions to Analytics Integration User.
  • Set field-level security for wealth management app fields.

Enable CRM Analytics

Matt rolls up his sleeve and gets to work. First, he enables CRM Analytics in the org.

In this module, we assume you’re a Salesforce admin who’s authorized to set up CRM Analytics for FSC. If you’re not an admin, that’s OK. Read along to learn how your admin would take the steps in a production org. Don't try to follow these steps in your Trailhead Playground. CRM Analytics for FSC isn’t available in the Trailhead Playground.

  1. Click Setup and then Setup.
  2. In the Quick Find box, enter getting, and under Analytics, select Getting Started.
  3. If you see a Launch CRM Analytics button on the page, CRM Analytics is already enabled, and you can skip this step. Otherwise, click Enable CRM Analytics.

If you can’t see the Enable CRM Analytics button, check if your org has the Cloud Intelligence for Financial Services SKU.

Assign CRM Analytics Permissions

CRM Analytics for FSC is an add-on app. Therefore, it requires additional permission sets for admins like Matt and business users like Ryan.

Matt begins by assigning himself the required admin permission sets.

  1. Click Setup and then Setup.
  2. In the Quick Find box, enter users and select Users.
  3. Click the username with the System Administrator profile. For example, click your username.
  4. Hover over Permission Set Assignments, and then click Edit Assignments.
  5. In the Available Permission Sets section, select CRM Analytics Plus Admin and FSC Analytics Admin.
  6. Click Right arrow to move the two selected permission sets to the Enabled Permission Sets section. (These permission sets might already be assigned to the admin user.)
    The Permission Sets page for admin with permission sets CRM Analytics Plus Admin and FSC Analytics Admin added to Enabled Permission Sets
  7. Click Save.

Next, Matt repeats the steps to assign Ryan Dobson the required user permission sets. However, for step 5, he selects CRM Analytics Plus User and FSC Analytics User permission sets.

Grant Permission to the Analytics Integration User

When Matt enabled CRM Analytics in the org, a default user called Integration User was also created. This user is important because its permissions are used to pull data from Salesforce objects and fields into CRM Analytics using dataflows. You learn more about this later. 

Matt ensures that Integration User has the required permissions.

  1. Click Setup and then Setup.
  2. In the Quick Find box, enter users and select Users.
  3. Click the username with the Analytics Cloud Integration User profile. Matt clicks User, Integration.
  4. Hover over Permission Set Assignments, and check if FSC Analytics Integration is listed. If so, then you’re set, and you can skip this section. If you don’t see the permission set, then click Edit Assignments.
  5. In the Available Permission Sets section, select FSC Analytics Integration, and click Right arrow to move it to the Enabled Permission Sets section.
  6. Click Save.

Along with Integration User, another user, Security User, is also created. This user’s permissions affect the sharing and security predicate functionality to control row visibility in datasets. For more information, see Best Practices: Manage Integration and Security Users in CRM Analytics (Tableau CRM).

Verify Field-Level Security for App Fields

Before Matt can create the Analytics for Wealth Management app, the Integration User requires access to all the objects and associated fields used in the app. To enable this, Matt grants the Integration user field-level security permissions to those objects and fields.

He starts with the Account object and AUM field.

  1. Click SetupSetup | Object Manager.
  2. In the Quick Find box, enter account, and select Account.
  3. Click Fields & Relationships.
  4. In the Quick Find box, enter aum and select AUM.
  5. Click Set Field-Level Security.
  6. Look for Analytics Cloud Integration User profile, and select Visible.
  7. Click Save.

Matt repeats the steps to set the field-level security for other objects and fields in the wealth management app.

What's Next

In this unit, Matt got the org ready for CRM Analytics. He enabled the feature in setup, assigned admin and user permissions, and granted access to app fields. In the next unit, he configures the wealth management app. Start your engines!


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