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Create a Case

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Explain what the Referral object is, and how it’s used in Nonprofit Cloud for Programs Case Management.
  • Create a case from a referral.

Explore Case Creation

A case is a container for all of the interactions a participant has with your organization, a program, or a case manager. So, you create them at the very beginning of one of those interactions.

There are a few ways to create a case.

  • Create a case by going to the Cases list view or the Cases related list on another record and clicking New. You enter the details in the window that appears, then save the case. Check out Create Cases in Salesforce Help for details.
  • Create a case from a referral by using a guided flow. The flow reuses information already in your system to create a case.

In this unit, you explore how to use referrals to create cases. 

Manage Referrals

The Referral object stores details about a referred participant and their needs. Depending on your organization’s processes, referrals can come from individuals who are requesting help, another organization, or from within your organization. You can also send referrals to other organizations and track them in Nonprofit Cloud. Referrals to your organization are called inbound referrals, and referrals that you route to outside organizations are called outbound referrals.

You can create referrals through a few different channels. For example, you could set up a batch process to capture referrals coming from other organizations, receive them through an API, import them from a spreadsheet, or enter them manually through a guided flow. For details about importing data, check out the Data Management Trailhead module.

However you enter a referral record into your Salesforce org, the record stores details about the referrer and the data they collect. Referrals relate to a person account record for the potential participant. Use the guided flow to add a person account or relate an existing person account.

Referrals are a good place to focus your efforts to gain efficiency through automation and other tools.

One of Hunger No More International’s (HNMI) funders requires that a potential participant contact HNMI twice before they’re considered for a program. Using Salesforce Flow automation tools, the team at HNMI configures referrals for that program so that two tasks—one for each contact attempt—are created on the referral record automatically. After both tasks are completed, the referral record moves to a review queue.

For outbound referrals, use the included Provider Management data model to build and track relationships with external organizations that complement your work. Match the benefits your organization wants to provide with the specialties of these external organizations to deepen your care plans and help participants achieve their goals. For more information, see Provider Management Data Model in Public Sector Solutions in Trailhead.

Want to Get Hands-on with Nonprofit Cloud?

In this module, we show you the steps to manage care plans in Nonprofit Cloud. We don’t have any hands-on challenges in this module, but if you want to practice and try out the steps, register for a free Nonprofit Cloud trial org with sample data. A regular Trailhead Playground doesn’t have Nonprofit Cloud or our sample data. Here’s how to get the free trial edition now.

  1. Sign up for a free 30-day Nonprofit Cloud trial org.
  2. Fill out the form.
  3. Click Submit. A confirmation message appears.
  4. When you receive the activation email (this might take a few minutes), open it and click Verify Account.
  5. Complete your registration by setting your password and challenge question. Tip: Write down your username, password, and login URL for easy access later.

You’re logged in to your trial org. Now activate an OmniScript required to follow along with the instructions in the module.

  1. From the App Launcher (), find and select OmniScripts.
  2. Select SPCM/CreateReferralCase.
  3. Select Create a Referral Case (Version 2). The OmniScript can take a few moments to load.
  4. Click Deactivate Version, and then click Done.
  5. Click Activate Version, and then click Done.
  6. From the App Launcher (), find and select Case Management.

Your Nonprofit Cloud trial org is ready. Use the Case Management app for this entire module.

Create a Case Record from a Referral

Nonprofit Cloud for Programs comes with a template guided flow to create a case from a referral. Work with your Salesforce admin or implementation partner to customize the flow to your needs.

Here are a few points to consider before creating a case record.

  • What information do you need when you create a case? Capture that data by adding fields to your case creation flow.
  • Do you conduct assessments now or later in the process? Add assessments to the flow to determine the next steps on a case.
  • What tasks and other records do you need with a case? Automatically create those tasks and action plans through configuration so that they’re ready with the new case.

To better understand these points, follow Case Manager Sandra as she uses a simple, preconfigured process to create a case for her participant Jo Silva. This process is the same as what’s included in the Nonprofit Cloud trial, your org could be different.

  1. From the App Launcher (), find and select Referrals.
  2. Select the All Referrals list view.
  3. Select the referral record from referrer Julia Miles with a status of New. The referral record page for Jo opens.
  4. The Create Case flow is embedded on the page. On the Case Details step, notice that some key details from the referral record are already populated. Specify these additional details.

    • Subject: Jo Silvas Nutritional Counseling
    • Origin: Web
    • Status: New
  1. Click Next.
  2. On the Case Participants step, assign roles and statuses to existing participants. You can also create and add other participants or stakeholders.
    • Jo is already listed as a case participant, so set these values in the required fields.
      • Role: Participant
      • Status: Active
    • Jo’s son Gabriel is also a case participant for this case but isn’t on the referral. Follow these steps to add him.
      • In the Add New Participants area, find Gabriel Silvas.
      • Select his account record, and then click Add Selected.

      • In the required fields, provide these details for Gabriel.
        • Role: Family Member
        • Status: Active
    • Finally, add details about the referring organization as a case participant. The referring organization, Cosville Community Services, is on the referral record and so it appears here. Set these values in the required fields.
      • Role: Referrer
      • Status: Active

  1. Click Next. The case record is created.
  2. On the Confirmation page, click the case number or Done to go to the case record.

The new case record includes a related list for case participants and referrals.

Notice that Sandra chose active as the referrer’s status in step 7 because she wants to report outcomes to the referring organization.


Need more or different fields in this guided flow? Ask your Salesforce admin to edit the Create a Referral Case OmniScript to match your information needs and processes.

Now that Sandra has created a case record, it serves as the folder she uses with Jo for the rest of their time working together. The case will soon contain the intakes, assessments, program enrollment, incidents, and notes that Sandra uses to help Jo with her nutritional requirements. The case is Sandra’s one, go-to record.

Now that you understand how to create a case, in the next unit you explore the case record and its related records.


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