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Enable Users to Generate Appointment Invitations

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Set up permissions for sharing availability and booking appointments using invitations.
  • Enable service resources to run the Generate Appointment Invitation flow.

Set Up Permissions for Users and Authenticated Customers

To generate appointment invitation URLs, users need the right permissions. Customers also require permissions to use those URLs to book appointments. 

Permissions to Generate Appointment Invitations

First, Matt ensures that Ryan and Tessa’s profiles have the permissions to create appointments. Then, he adds the following additional permissions so they can generate appointment invitation URLs.

  • The Run Flows permission and access to the flow that’s configured to generate appointment invitations
  • Create, Edit, and Delete on the Appointment Invitation object

Users may want to see appointment details, including how an appointment was created. To this end, Matt first ensures that users have the permissions to view appointments. Then he adds the Appointment Invitation field of the Service Appointment object to the Service Appointment Layout and gives users view access to this field.

Permissions to Book Appointments for Authenticated Customers

Next, Matt ensures that authenticated customers have the permissions to create appointments. Then, he grants them additional permissions.

  • The Run Flows permission and access to the flow that’s configured to book appointments from invitations
  • Read access on the Appointment Invitation object
  • View access on the Appointment Invitation field of the Service Appointment object

To authenticated customers, Matt provides read access to all appointment invitation records. He also ensures they have read access to service resource, service territory, work type, and work type group records, which are used to create invitation URLs.

To learn about the permissions required to book appointments, see See Grant Authenticated Users Required User and Object Permissions.

Add the Generate Appointment Invitation Flow to the Service Resource Page

Matt is now all set to enable users to run the flow to generate appointment invitation URLs. He can add the flow to the quick action menu or embed the flow in record pages.

After briefly discussing the possibilities with Ryan and Tessa, he chooses to add it as a quick action on the service resource page. To add the quick action, Matt creates an action to launch the flow and adds the action to the page.

Here’s how to create the action:

  1. Click Setup, and then select Setup.
  2. Click Object Manager.
  3. Click Service Resource.
  4. Click Buttons, Links, and Actions.
  5. Click New Action.
  6. On the New Action page, provide the following details:
    • Action Type: Flow
    • Flow: Generate Appointment Invitation_forWM
    • Standard Label Type: None
    • Label: Generate Appointment Invitation
    • Name: Generate_Appointment_Invitation_forWM
  7. Click Save.

Here’s how to add the action to the service resource page:

  1. Click Setup, and then select Setup.
  2. Click Object Manager.
  3. Click Service Resource.
  4. Click Page Layouts.
  5. Click Service Resource Layout.
  6. In the palette, select Mobile & Lightning Actions. If you see a link to override the predefined actions in the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section of the layout editor, click the link.
  7. Drag Generate Appointment Invitation to Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions.
  8. Click Save.

In this unit, Matt set up permissions for users to generate invitations and for authenticated customers to book appointments. With that, he completed all the steps required to share availability using invitation URLs and book appointments using them.

Matt shares the news with Ryan and Tessa who can’t wait to use the feature. In the next unit, you watch them in action as they generate invitations. Plus, see how customers book their appointments.


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