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Integrate and Visualize Your Data

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Integrate App Analytics data with LMA data in your LMO.
  • Create key performance indicators (KPIs).
  • Create a CRM Analytics dashboard.
  • Add a dashboard to a package record page.

Integrate App Analytics Data in Your LMO

Awesome—Robert created an App Analytics request and retrieved package summary data. He even created Apex triggers to automate requests and retrievals. But before he celebrates, he still has work to do.


Robert’s next step is to integrate his automated App Analytics data with his LMA data in CRM Analytics. Continue following along with him in your own LMO.

CRM Analytics Setup

Before you use CRM Analytics, create a permission set in your LMO that grants the CRM Analytics Integration User access to the LMA data.


Your PBO comes with two CRM Analytics licenses. Make sure that you have the CRM Analytics Plus Admin permission set. If you need to brush up on your CRM Analytics basic skills, complete the CRM Analytics Basics Trailhead module.

Create a CRM Analytics App

Ready to use CRM Analytics? Super. If you’re following along with Robert, create a CRM Analytics app in your LMO. Apps allow users to organize and control sharing of their datasets, lenses, and dashboards.

  1. From the App Launcher App Launcher find and select Analytics Studio.
  2. In Analytics Studio, click Create.
  3. Select App.
  4. Click Create Blank App and then click Continue.
  5. For app name, enter PartnerIntelligence.
  6. Click Create.
    A sample new Analytics Studio app with this message: Save any dataset, lens, or dashboard to PartnerIntelligence and they’ll show up here!

Import App Analytics Data into CRM Analytics

Next, create a dataset to store your App Analytics CSV file. If you’re following along with Robert, find the PackageSummaries3Months CSV file that you downloaded in the previous unit.

  1. In Analytics Studio, click Create, and then select Dataset.
  2. Click CSV File as the source of the data.
  3. In the New Dataset screen, click Select a file or drag it here.
  4. In the file-selection window that opens, select the CSV file that you downloaded and then click Open (or the correct button in your operating system) to upload the file.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Name your dataset PackageSummaries3Months, select your app, and then click Next.
    The New Dataset window displays the dataset name, app name, file properties, and data schema file.
  7. In Edit Field Attributes, preview your data, then click Upload File.
    The Edit Field Attributes window displays packages in a table with columns for month, organization ID, and package ID.

The upload begins and a new dataset is created—it can take a while. Go enjoy your favorite beverage while you wait.

Create a Dataflow

Next, associate your LMA packages in the App Analytics logs. To do this, build a CRM Analytics dataflow. For more information on working with dataflows, see Integrate and Prepare Data for Analysis.


To associate your log data with the LMA License information in your LMO, you need to create additional dataflow nodes joining the LMA License object. For various technical reasons, we’re not able to create those associations in this Trailhead module. To learn more about how to integrate LMA data with App Analytics data, read Get App Smart: How to Use AppExchange App Analytics—Part 2.

Follow these steps.

  1. Click CRM Analytics Studio.
  2. Under Browse, click Data Manager.
  3. Click Manage Dataflows.Analytics Studio Data Manager window menu with a highlight on Manage Dataflows
  4. Click Dataflows & Recipes.
  5. Click Dataflows.
  6. Click Create Dataflow.
  7. Name it PackageSummary_LMA and click Create. The PackageSummary_LMA dataflow page opens.
    The PackageSummary_LMA dataflow page with buttons corresponding to their use in the following steps
  8. Click edgemart icon (A) and create a node with these specifications:
    Node Name: digest_PackageSummariesDataset: PackageSummaries3Months
  9. Click sfdcDigest icon (B) and create a node with these specifications:
    Node Name: digest_PackagesSource Object: sfLma__Package__c
  10. Click Select Fields and select id, sfLma__Package_ID__c, and Name.
  11. Click Create.
  12. Click augment icon (C) and create a node with these specifications:
    Name: join_Packages_PackageSummariesLeft Source: digest_PackageSummariesLeft Key: package_idRelationship: PackageRight Source: digest_PackagesRight Key: sfLma__Package_ID__cRight Fields: Id, Name, sfLma__Package_ID__c
  13. Click sfdcRegister (D) to register the dataset with these specifications:
    Node Name: register_PackageSummariesWithLMASource Node: join_Packages_PackageSummariesAlias: PackageSummariesWithLMAName: PackageSummariesWithLMA
  14. Click Create.
    When complete, your dataflow may look a little different, but your nodes and elements are auto-joined like this.
    A sample complete PackageSummary_LMA dataflow created by completing the preceding steps
  15. Click Update Dataflow.
  16. Click Update Dataflow again.
  17. Click Run Dataflow.
  18. Click Go To Data Monitor.

Visualize Your Data Using CRM Analytics

Remember those business questions that Robert and Leung discussed earlier in this module? Now is the time to revisit those because we’re all set to work on lenses, KPIs, and dashboards.

Follow along with Robert while he creates these KPIs and visualizations.



Daily and monthly active users 

Bar chart of active users by day and month within a quarter

Count of Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) actions per user

Bar chart of CRUD actions by user by month

For each KPI, Robert creates one lens. A lens is a visualization of data in a dataset. He uses the lens to explore data graphically and to build queries for a dashboard. Finally, Robert creates his dashboard using his dataset and new lenses.

Ready to follow along with Robert in your own LMO? Let’s go!

Create a CRM Analytics Dashboard

  1. Return to CRM Analytics Studio by clicking the App Launcher and selecting App Launcher.
  2. Click the App Launcher again and select Analytics Studio.
  3. Click Create and select Dashboard.
  4. In the Create Analytics Dashboard window, click Create Dashboard from Template.
  5. Select Details Dashboard and click Continue.
  6. Name your dashboard Package Summary Dashboard.
  7. Select the PartnerIntelligence app.
  8. Click Create.
    The dashboard window displays Package Summary Dashboard as the name and PartnerIntelligence as the app.

Create a Lens

  1. Click Analytics Studio to return to the Analytics Studio home page.
  2. Under Browse, click All Items.
  3. Click DATASETS, and then click the PackageSummariesWithLMA dataset.
  4. In the New Lens tab, click the Charts icon Charts.
  5. Select the Column chart icon Column.
  6. Under Bar Length click Count of Rows (not the down arrow next to the words). Count of Rows is the tab beneath Bar Length
  7. Click Unique, and then select user_id_token.
  8. Under Bars, click Add a group (+), and then select month.
  9. Under Bar Length, click the dropdown arrow Dropdown button next to Unique of, and select Sort Descending.
  10. Click Save to save your lens.
  11. In the Save window that opens, for the Name of your new lens, enter Monthly Active Users.
  12. In the App list, select PartnerIntelligence.
  13. Click Save.
  14. Click Clip to Designer Clip to Designer. The Display Label window with a Display Label field and Clip to Designer button
  15. For Display Label, enter MAU and then click Clip to Designer. This action adds the newly created lens to your open dashboard.

Add a Visualization to Your Dashboard

  1. Click the Package Summary Dashboard tab.
    The Package Summary Dashboard Edit Page has a Main Chart Title (B) section and, in the list of lenses for the PackageSummariesWithLMA dataset, the MAU lens.
  2. Click Analytics Studio to return to the Analytics Studio home page.
  3. Under Browse, click All Items.
  4. Click DATASETS, and then click the PackageSummariesWithLMA dataset.
  5. In the New Lens tab, click the Charts icon.
  6. Click Save and then Save to save your dashboard.
  7. Click Preview to preview your dashboard.

Robert creates a lens for the Top 25 Customers KPI. He also imports the Marketplace Analytics data he downloaded in the first unit, and creates lenses to display listing visits KPIs for the third fiscal quarter. He plays around with CRM Analytics and creates two visualizations and four metrics.

When Robert is finished, he shows Leung his Cloudy Health Dashboard. Wow! It has all the measures she wants to track in a convenient, easy-to-digest visual format.

A sample complete CRM Analytics dashboard with four Visits by Source metrics, a Monthly Active Users chart, and a chart of Top 25 Customers by Subscriber Count.

Add a Dashboard to a Package Record Page

  1. Click App Launcher and select App Launcher.
  2. Click App Launcher again and select License Management App.
    Note: You may be redirected to the Sales app. If so, select App Launcher and try again.
    The License Management App toolbar includes tabs for Home, Leads, Accounts, Licenses, Packages, Package Versions, and more.
  3. Click Packages.
  4. Open the All packages list view.
  5. Select a package from the list.
  6. Click Setup and then click Edit Page.
    The Package Record Page in Lightning App Builder with callouts corresponding to the following steps
  7. Drag the CRM Analytics Dashboard component (A) onto the page (B).
    The CRM Analytics Dashboard component properties, including Dashboard (A), Height and Dashboard Filters (B), and the Add Dashboard Filter button (C)
  8. Select your Package Summary Dashboard (A).
  9. Change Height to 700 (B).
  10. Click Add Dashboard Filter (C).
  11. For Dataset Field, select Package.sfLma__Package_ID__c.
  12. Select Locked and Hidden.
  13. Click Select and in the Select Field picker that opens, choose Package ID.
  14. Click Done.
  15. Back on the Dataset window, click OK.
  16. On the Package Record Page, click Save.
  17. On the Page Saved window, click Activate.
  18. On the confirmation window, click Assign as Org Default.
    The Activation: Package Record Page has settings for Org Default, App Default, and App, Record Type, and Profile.
  19. Select Desktop and phone.
  20. Click Next and then click Save.
  21. Save the Package Record page.
  22. Click Back to exit Lightning App Builder and view the dashboard on your record page.

A sample Package Record Page with a new CRM Analytics dashboard displaying the Monthly Active Users chart and four metrics built using imported Marketplace Analytics data.

Wrap It Up

Leung is thrilled. Not only can she view the entire dashboard with all the metrics, but she can also view a package’s detail record page and metrics filtered to that package. She thanks Robert…before she asks him her next set of analytics questions.


That’s the great thing about working with Marketplace Analytics, AppExchange App Analytics, and CRM Analytics: Whatever your next business opportunities are, you can measure them with Salesforce tools. And we’re always improving our toolset, too, so be sure to check the documentation and the Partner Community regularly.


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