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Create a Decision Matrix

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Define the subsidy criteria.
  • Explain how to create decision matrices from requirements.

Design the Subsidy Criteria

To create a decision matrix, you first define the inputs and outputs.

With the requirements laid out in the previous unit, Jessica creates tables that contain information about how the insurance premium subsidies apply to various applicants. 

Zercovana plans to provide subsidies on premiums based on applicant age. Jessica organizes this information in a table called Age Related Subsidy.

Age Related Subsidy



Below 21






Above 50


Create a Decision Matrix

It’s time for Jessica to create a decision matrix based on the information provided in the Age Related Subsidy table.

Access and use your Developer Edition org to complete the steps for hands-on practice.

  1. Click App Launcher, then find and select Business Rules Engine.
  2. Click the app navigation menu, and then select Lookup Tables.
    The app navigation menu with the Lookup Tables option highlighted.
  3. Click New.
  4. Select Decision Matrix, and then click Next.
  5. Enter the following details.
    • Name: Age Related Subsidy
    • Type: Standard
  1. Click Save.

Add Column Headers to the Decision Matrix

Now, Jessica adds the specific input and output columns using the information in the Age Related Subsidy table. ApplicantAge is the input column that captures the age range, and Subsidy is the output column that captures the subsidy based on the age range.


Be Ready to Zoom

If you're unable to see all the menu items while completing the steps, try adjusting your internet browser settings to reduce the magnification. For example, if you're using Chrome, decrease the zoom from 100% to 90%.

  1. On the Age Related Subsidy decision matrix record page, click the Related tab. The decision matrix record automatically includes the first decision matrix version.

The Related tab showing version 1 of the Age Related Subsidy decision matrix.

  1. On the Decision Matrix Versions related list, select Age Related Subsidy V1.
  2. On the Matrix tab, click Add Column.
  3. In the Add Column window, enter the following details.
    • Column Header: ApplicantAge
    • Header Type: Input
    • Data Type: Number Range
  4. Click Add Column.
  5. Enter the following details for the second column.
    • Column Header: Subsidy
    • Header Type: Output
    • Data Type: Percent
      The Edit Columns window with ApplicantAge and Subsidy added as column headers.
  6. Click Done.

Add Rows and Data to the Decision Matrix

To capture the required data in the Age Related Subsidy table, follow Jessica as she sets up these rows for the age ranges and associated subsidy percentages.

  • Row 1: Age 0 to 20 is eligible for a 0% subsidy.
  • Row 2: Age 21 to 35 is eligible for a 5% subsidy.
  • Row 3: Age 36 to 50 is eligible for a 10% subsidy.
  • Row 4: Age 51 and above is eligible for a 20% subsidy.

Complete the next set of steps in your Developer Edition org.

  1. Click Add Row.
  2. In the ApplicantAge column, hover over the first row, and click Edit ApplicantAge (Number Range).
  3. For applicant age, enter 0.
  4. In the Subsidy column, hover over the first row, and click Edit Subsidy (Percent).
  5. For subsidy percentage, enter 0.Matrix tab showing the age and corresponding subsidy percentage for applicants below 21 years.
  6. Click Add Row and enter these details.
    • ApplicantAge: 21
    • Subsidy: 5
  7. Click Add Row and enter these details.
    • ApplicantAge: 36
    • Subsidy: 10
  8. Click Add Row and enter these details.
    • ApplicantAge: 51
    • Subsidy: 20Matrix tab showing the age and corresponding subsidy percentage for all age groups.
  9. Click Save.
  10. Click Activate.

The decision matrix is active and ready to use.

For more information on how to create number ranges, check out Numeric Ranges in Decision Matrices.

Disability Severity and Veteran Status Subsidy

Citizens with disabilities are eligible for subsidies, according to the proposed policy. The subsidy percentage depends on the severity of the disability as described in Zercovana’s Disability Eligibility Guidance Manual. Jessica remembers that veterans get an additional subsidy of 5%. She combines these two criteria into a single decision matrix. 

Here’s the table with both the disability severity and veteran status subsidies included.




No Disability



No Disability


No subsidy



















Jessica captures the combined details in a single decision matrix named Additional Subsidy.

The Additional Subsidy decision matrix with disability severity, veteran status, and corresponding subsidy percentage.

This decision matrix is already created for you in the hands-on org. Here’s how you can view it.

  1. Click App Navigation Menu and then select Lookup Tables.
    The app navigation menu with the Lookup Tables option highlighted.
  2. In the Decision Matrices list view, select All Decision Matrices.
  3. Click Additional Subsidy.
  4. Click on the Related tab.
  5. Select Additional Subsidy V1.

The Additional Subsidy decision matrix uses a Boolean data type to capture the Veteran status. For a Boolean data type column, select the checkbox if the value is true and deselect the checkbox if the value is false.

Base Premium

Jessica knows that the yearly base insurance premium is $5,000 for each person and that Zercovana covers up to five dependents. She creates the Base Premium table to model her decision matrix.


Family Premium













When customers use the public health portal to apply for health insurance, they specify the number of dependents, and the family insurance premium is referenced from the Base Premium decision matrix.

The Base Premium decision matrix with number of dependents and corresponding family premium.

A decision matrix for this table named Base Premium is already created in the org so you can use it in the hands-on challenge.


Activate each decision matrix before you use them in an expression set.

What’s Next

In this unit, you saw how Jessica created decision matrices using inputs from the subsidy criteria. In the next unit, you build an expression set to process these inputs.


Hands-on Challenge

+500 points

Get Ready

You’ll be completing this unit in your own hands-on org. Click Launch to get started, or click the name of your org to choose a different one.

Your Challenge

Create a Decision Matrix
Create a decision matrix for a subsidy based on different age groups of applicants.
  • Create a decision matrix.
    • Name: Applicant Age Based Subsidy
    • Type: Standard
  • Add an input column.
    • Column Header: ApplicantAge
    • Header Type: Input
    • Data type: Number Range
  • Add an output column.
    • Column Header: Subsidy
    • Header Type: Output
    • Data type: Percent
  • Add data to the decision matrix.
    • Input Data column: 0, 21, 36, 51
    • Output Data column: 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%
  • Activate the Applicant Age Based Subsidy decision matrix.
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